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As you made your way down the single track road, looking at all the lovely houses, you were becoming more and more excited to be spending Easter with Lando's family. You hadn't seen them since Christmas and from all the pictures that Sav had sent you, Mila was getting so big. To say you were thrilled to be able to spend some time with her was an understatement.

On Easter Sunday morning, you got Mila to wake up her sleep Uncle Lando. Her little giggles erupting as Lando stirred from her climbing all over him. Not long after, she waddled hand in hand with you and Lando through the garden, hunting for Easter treats.

Cisca loved everything to do with Easter and spring so just hiding treats for Mila wasn't enough for her. She ended up hiding what was probably enough chocolate to last the entire family a year, all over the garden, for everyone. 

She loved seeing her kids and their growing families, happy. Soon enough, Sav would give birth and she'd be a grandma to 2 and she knew that it wouldn't be long until Lando and Y/N got married and grew their own family. She couldn't wait to spoil her grandkids with treats and everything that Lando, Y/N, Sav, Oliver, Cisca, Flo and whoever they ended up with, said no to.

Cisca set a timer for 5 minutes, with whoever had the most treats afterwards, winning. She completely forgot how competitive her kids and Y/N were though, so assumed they'd all let Mila win. Of course, it was a complete disaster in terms of the picture perfect Easter but it didn't matter because everyone enjoyed themselves.

Everyone laughed so much, especially when you and Lando pretty much wrestled over an egg   fell over on the ground. Both of you laughed so much that you couldn't get up for almost 5 minutes, not helped by Mila waddling over and letting herself collapse into the pair of you. Her little giggle made your heart melt.

In the end, Lando stood up and picked Mila up before helping you up. You made your way over to the rest of the family, still laughing as you hopelessly tried to wipe off the grass stains on your jeans. You couldn't remember the last time you'd had this much fun. It felt like a much needed chapter break from your life.

The rest of the day was spent just being together as a family and creating memories. Seeing Lando with Mila made you excited for the time when you and Lando would have kids. You could imagine him running around in the garden with him and how perfect of a dad he'd be.

"Baby!" Mila said, prodding Sav's growing belly. "Yeah! Baby sister!" Sav exclaimed. "Baby?" Mila questioned, prodding Y/N's stomach. "Yeah!" you said. Lando had a confused look on his face.

"You're not pregnant." he said. You didn't say anything but smiled and waited for him to react to the news.

"You're pregnant!" he exclaimed, jumping up. He picked Mila up and spun her round. "Your going to be a cousin too now Mila." he told her. "Ha! I'm a dad!" he added. You'd never seen a smile like the one that was across Lando's face.

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