American Boys - RuseAme

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There is no song to this one since my Youtube will not load, so I will give you the artist.

American Boys- Halestorm

Alfred Jones could be described as many things, cowboy, punk, biker man, usually he is a mixture of all of them. He is America in one kid and damn do I love it.

Alfred was the wild type who ran with our inner group of friends, Kiku, Ludwig, Feliciano, Lovino, Arthur, Francis, Matthew, Gilbert, Yao, and myself, alright so our group is pretty big but we are happy with what it is. If you asked me my interest in men I would say American, they have to be American. More specifically, they have to be Alfred. Now I know what you're thinking, how could someone Russian love an American?


I just do.

Currently our group was sitting at a bar laughing and having a good time drinking Jack and smoking. We were at the bar because I'm a musician and it was getting close to my time for the stage. I had the perfect plan, sing to my American.

"Ivan, you're up man!" Alfred said giving me a wink, I was tired of the games we played with each other so I grew the balls to finally just ask him out, through song.

"To my American friend....." I winked at him and he blushed, our group knew our little game and they were sick of it, so this was mostly their idea.

Friday night boys and the PBR

Chasing Jack, getting wrecked in small town bars

Big city roller in NYC

You're a sharp dressed man just like ZZ

Harley riding biker in a leather jacket

Like riding bitch

You're sitting on the back, yeah

Pretty boys at the university

Watching them walk

In their Levi jeans

Yeah, yeah

I can't help but fall

Yeah, yeah

God bless 'em all

American boys

Gotta love 'em, gotta need 'em

Gotta want 'em

They're my drug of choice

Yeah, yeah, yeah

American boys

Wanna slay 'em, wanna lay 'em

Wanna play 'em

They're my favourite toys

American, American boys

Metal head boys in the back of a Camaro

Banging to Metallica on the radio

From an all-star stud to a punk like you

We've got so many flavours that I just can't choose

I didn't have a chance to finish the song till I was tackled off stage by America who planted a heated kiss on my lips causing me to react suddenly and push him against me as our tongues danced together and then the bar manager tore us away. "Wait till you're out of my bar, damn"

I'm sure you know what happened next

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