Chapter 1; Walking through Colours

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Walking through the hallways is like walking through another universe. Everywhere you look there is a new planet, or in this case social group, with interesting orbital features (aka people). And then there's me.

The new nerdy girl. 

My name is Isabella Waters. And that's about all there is interesting about me. Wanna talk to me about science? Yep I'll understand you. Chemical equations, parsecs and all three of newton's Laws? Got it. You talk to me about what happened between Angelina Jolie and what ever her husband's name is? I don't know.

So here I was, walking down the hallway surrounded by planets, looking for my locker number 143. 141, 142, 143! I opened it using the combination on my pink slip of paper. I put all my books in the locker that was heavily weighing down my back. Took out the ones I needed and left the bag on the top shelf. I added a few magnetic locker accessories to hold my spare pencils in, before shutting the door. I almost had a heart attack when I found someone standing there. 

I dropped all of my books that were for my first period, Chemistry.

"Are you kidding me?" I exclaimed. There group of girls across the hall started laughing, evidently at me. I bent down to pick them up.

"Sorry. Did I scare you?" I heard a voice from above me. 

I stayed quiet. There's no reason to talk to anyone. I'm the fly on the wall. If I talk, I could get picked on and I don't want a repeat of what happened last time. The reason why I changed schools. 

"Don't say anything then." I stood back up and came face to face with a really pretty girl. "I'm Lillian." She had pretty blue-green eyes, flicks of freckles across her face and wavy brown hair put up into the most perfect messy bun ever. "You must the new girl."

I nodded.

"You don't say much do you?" I gave a slit turn of the head. "Right, well I'm your guide for the day. Principal said so." She quickly handed me a note from Principal Grenwich, which briefly stated another congratulations on being a scholar as well a name for my appointed guide, Lillian Grace. I looked up and was met by her small smile before she added, "Where to first?"

"Chemistry." I said in a small voice. I looked down at my paper. "Room 5A?" I had no idea where that was.

"Well first of all. The letters stand for the block names." She walked so she was beside me and I got a small whiff of her perfume, it smelled like freshly cut roses and peppermint. "We are in block B, which means we need to walk all the way to the end of this hallway and to the block beside us." She said as she pointed to it on the map in front of me. "Not to hard?"

I shook my head. 

"Good." She started walking. "I have the locker beside you which is cool!" She exclaimed in a small giggle. "Hey, you one of the scholarships aren't you? I swear I didn't read the note. You look like one of the scholarships."

"Yeah, I'm a scholarship."

"So which one are you? You are sooooooo lucky to be on the scholarship program. They get tuns of attention here. Especially the sport scholars."


"So your the nerd one?" She giggled again. "Not to offend you or anything but they are like the super duper smart kids."

"No, it's fine." That's all I could say before she cut me off.

"The Scholars are the real popular kids of the school. They all tend to hang out together and everything. It's so cool to meet one. Even cooler to talk to one!"

"Honestly it's nothing really to be-" I was going to say 'proud of'. But again she cut me off.

"You have to introduce me to everyone! You live all in the same dorm block right? You get your own block!"

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