Chapter 3: Fun; to enjoy something

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Most of the day went without a hitch, turns out Lillian and I don't have any classes together Tuesday. But like I said, most of the day went without a hitch.

I walked over to my locker to find the most exquisite creature standing at his too. (See 'hot' isn't the best best word I could come up with. However, exquisite made him sound like the portrait of Mono Lisa. Actually, he is sexy enough to pull of a Greek God. *mental palm face*)

"Hello, Bella."

"Hello, Garret." I opened my locker and put my books away. Carefully leaving the ones in my backpack that had homework that needed to be completed.

"You forgot to wear a skirt."

"Perhaps I don't want to look like a slut." I shut my locker and saw that perfect girl from yesterday approaching with the rest of her posse. In her pommy little cheer leading outfit, honestly does she own anything else. "Speaking of the devil."

Garret turned before cringing and turning back. "Please, hide me!"

"I stuff you in my locker but I'm afraid you might break it."

He poked out his tongue like a child and it made me laugh. And he gave me a small smile before whipping around. "Jennifer, there you are. Bella and I where just discussing tryouts on Friday."

One of them whispered something like, 'he knows her name' before getting hushed buy the rest of the brigade. "Oh that's right, Bella. We put your name down as first to tryout. We are just so eager to see what you've got."

"She's got it alright!" I slapped Garret. "Well we better go. We have scholar stuff to do."

All she got was a 'But' in before Garret had my hand and ran me out the block.


We ran almost to our dorms when I realised I was gaining on him. "Catch up slow poke!" I turned looking back. "We haven't got all day."

"You're fast 'cause you're small."

"That is the smartest excuse that has ever escaped a males mouth, ever." I said as we stopped outside our dorms, huffing and puffing.

And he laughed that infectious laugh, making me laugh. 

"Go and get a skirt on so I can give you a fun-ucation."

"Again with the fun-ucation you know that's not even a-"

"Go!" He said pushing me through the doors.


I ran to my dorm and threw on my grey skort from my previous school and a white tee. I changed my shoes to white sneaker and threw my hair up into a high pony. That is as good as it's gonna get. I raced back out and collided with a girl.

I stood back up, "I'm sorry I ave to stop doing that." I scanned around and Garret wasn't here, he must've already gone to the football grounds.

"It's okay. I'm Elena, last year's Female Excellence Scholar."

"Oh, that's brillant, I'm Isabella Water's-"

"I'm looking for the b*tch that stole my Scholarship."

"I'm sorry, what?" I was taken aback, for an excellence scholar she sure is mean.

"She's gonna get it. You must be the Sport's Scholar."

"Well, I'm-"

"You tell her that if doesn't go, I'll make her life a  living nightmare."

And she stormed off in a huff. Well, that went swimmingly.


"What took you so long?" his eyes glittered in the evening sunlight.

"I met last years excellence scholar."

"Oh, she must've been nice."

"Wrong! Completely, entirely wrong! She wants to make my life a living hell because I took her scholarship."

"Wow. Some threatening words from a girl like you."

"Okay. Firstly, she thought I was female sport's. Secondly, Excellence means you have to excel at all areas. And thirdly, she is nothing like me!"

"Okay, calm down princess. Chillax and have some fun." I humfed. "So if your excel at all areas, is your sports' area long-distance running?"

"No. I'm a dancer." I gave him an exasperated look.

"A dancer?" He laughed and impersonated a ballerina. Badly.

"No." I gave him a one handed walkover into the splits. A bum turn up to parallel and a aa la seconde pirouette to fourth finish. "Like... a Dancer."

"Now this I can work with."

"To create what, Di Vinci?"

He gave me rainbow style jazz hands, "A cheerleader"

Oh boy.


Can I get a vote from all my dancers out there? 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2016 ⏰

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