Chapter 2; Turtle Shell

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He ran in just as the bell rang. "Mr..?" the teacher said.

"Umm, Chist. Garret Chist."

"Right, Mr Chist. In future I expected you'd be a little more prompt to classes." He looked down at Garret's hand to find a pink slip. "Set a good example for your classmates."

"Will do, Mr Brown." He said, now scanning the room, probably looking for a seat. He spotted me and gave me a small smile, and began to walk over.

"O-M-G! He's coming this way!" Lilly squealed.

"Hey Isabella." He whispered as he sat down. 

"Hi Garret." I said, pulling out my books and began writing down the notes the Mr Brown was writing on the board. Something about parsecs being different to light years.

That's when Lilly elbowed me. I looked up at her, "Ow! Why'd you do that." Her eyes made a severe indication that she wanted to be introduced to him. I shook my head.

"How'd you know him!?" She exclaimed.

"Well he's kinda a scholar-"

"Oh right." She leaned over my desk and tapped him on the shoulder, cutting me off from writing my notes at the same time. "Hi, I'm Lilly. Bella's friend."

"Well, that's one more friend than I have right now." They shook hands over my desk.

"Note taking here!?" I whispered.

"Oh sorry, Bella." He whispered and started giggling. 

"Hey, since when did I give you permission to call her by that nickname." Oh my gawd does Lilly ever shut up?

"Since Bella didn't say I couldn't." I don't mind. Not at all. Not. At. All. I continued to take notes.

After the lesson was over he asked Lilly, "Hey, do you know where the footballers sit? I kinda want to introduce myself, you know. Since I'm automatically put on the team."

"Oh, yeah sure. To the Cafeteria we go!" We walked back over to block B to put Lilly's and myself's books back. And Guess who had locker 142?

"Cool! Our lockers are together!" Lilly exclaimed. "Now we can meet up a every lunch break."

"Sure. Whatever, Lilly. Which way to the food?" I said.

"Right. This way." No way would he want to be friends with the nerd. No-way. She took us to the centre of the school, to this really big hall. Just before we entered, she pointed to her right. "That's were the meat headed football players sit." She was pointing to a group of really bulky boys in school jersey jumpers crowding three tables. 

"Thanks Lilly. See ya Bella." He called and walked over to him.


"What?" I exclaimed as we walked through the doors.

"He's mine. And by girl code, you have to let me have him. Sorry girl, looks like you got the short straw." She said, almost calmly. 

"I saw him first!" 

"Hey look, little turtle's coming out of her shell!" She laughed. "And only-" She looked down at her watch, "1 hour, 34 minutes and 57 seconds into the first day of school! I must've set a record."


"Hahahaha." She laughed with me. "I like your laugh. It's a cute laugh." By now I was grabbing some cake, an apple and a bottle of water.

"Thanks. Because I make friends around the basis of a laugh." I said sarcastically. 

"You do." She munched down on a chip, while in line. "If you don't like their laugh, how are you meant to laugh together?"

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