Confused? Same.

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Monoma looked up from his Chemistry book and stared at the blond on the other side of the coffee table. Aoyama was sleeping, which meant he was slacking off.

"Oi." Monoma hissed, trying not to make eye contact with anyone as he looked around the study room. "Slag." He whispered, starting to roll up his Chemistry book to smack Aoyama with.

Aoyama stirred slightly, sluggishly grabbing hold of his pen before opening his Design Tech book. He held back a small yawn before picking up his ruler and drawing some lines on the paper in front of him.

"Did you bring my eraser?" The tired boy asked, glancing up at the other. Monoma nodded and dug through his pencil case before handing it to him.

The two got on like two peas in a pod, always together despite their different personalities. Monoma was loud and brash, always puffing out his chest to feel better than everyone else, whereas Aoyama kept to himself, though he liked to wear bright makeup and fuel Monoma's ever-growing ego. Most people thought Monoma kept Aoyama by his side because the sparkly boy made him feel better about himself, but only Monoma and Aoyama's closest friends knew that they were just with each other because they wanted to be.

"I thought we could go for coffee after this." Monoma suggested, writing down some things he remembered about fractional distillation. Aoyama hummed.

"Sounds good. Should we go to Nala's or that plant one on the corner street?" He asked, making some quick notes in the corner of his page before closing the colourful book and going back to his planning.

"I was thinking Nala's." Monoma said, flipping his page. Aoyama nodded, searching in his bag for the sparkly sicker-paper he took everywhere.

Monoma was doing his A-Levels in Chemistry, Geography and Law, whilst Aoyama was doing his own A-Levels in Design Tech, French and Lit-Lang. Neither were in any of the same classes because of this, but somehow they always found the time for each other.

"I might get that triple-hot-chocolate Deku's always talking about." Aoyama sighed, drooling at the thought of it. Monoma laughed and handed Aoyama his personal pen-knife so the boy could cut out his sparkling paper properly. Aoyama took it and rambled on about the escapades he and his Lit-Lang class always somehow went on.

Aoyama met Monoma in their first year of GCSEs. Two scared 14 year olds wanting to become real people. Aoyama chose Art, French and Business for his GCSEs, so he was nearly in all of Monoma's classes. Monoma had chosen Art, Geography and Business, simply because he knew what he wanted to do for A-Level.

They had their first conversation in their shared Art class, when Aoyama was put next to Monoma in the seating plan. Aoyama had worn his sparkly star earrings and Monoma had wanted to compliment him. Aoyama had blushed and stuttered, stumbling on nearly every word before somehow leaving the class with a new friend and a new number in his phone.

"Hey, do you think I could invite Ojiro, if you're inviting someone?" Monoma questioned cautiously, not knowing how Aoyama would react. They hadn't hung out together with a third wheel before, let alone a third AND fourth.

Aoyama stumbled along his next sentence before repeating it, a light blush on his cheeks.

"Only if I can bring Kaminari." He replied, handing the pen-knife back and unpeeling the sticker from its backing.

"Deal." Monoma held his hand out and Aoyama shook it, already pulling his phone out to message the electric blond from his French class. Monoma chuckled as he rolled his eyes and pulled out his own phone. He typed out quick message to his classmate and stared at Aoyama as he waited for a reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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