Break My Heart OC #1

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FULL NAMEMiriam Sloane Van Ruth

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Miriam Sloane Van Ruth

Miriam (wished-for child)
Sloane (warrior)

Miri (meer-ree), Mir (meer)


Female (she/her/hers)

Bisexual (closeted)



Helena Mckelvie

PERSONALITYMiriam on the outside is calm, collected, somewhat of a know-it-all

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Miriam on the outside is calm, collected, somewhat of a know-it-all. She seems to know many things, is able to do many things. At first glance she's just another rich Two, spending her parents money and getting opportunities she doesn't deserve. On the inside, she knows she doesn't deserve it. Naturally introverted due to her lonely upbringing, the only way she is comfortable speaking to others is coldly, without much emotion. But on the inside, Miriam is incredibly anxious and awkward. She's prone to saying the wrong things and having them come out in a way that seems unfeeling. But once she blossoms around someone, she is passionate and bold. She loves attention, and she loves physical touch. While her friends are few, she is incredibly loyal to them and will do anything for those she loves, even if they do not exactly deserve her devotion.

As the daughter of two celebrities, Miriam has been in the public eye her entire life. Although her name means "wished-for child", she was anything but. Miriam's conception was a surprise and a mistake, and only led to a loveless marriage between two teenagers. Of course, their sham of a marriage was not known to the public eye. Unfortunately for Miriam, the reckless teenagers that were her parents eagerly rid themselves of any responsibility for their one and only child and hired a nanny. While her parents partied and had numerous affairs, Miriam spent much of her time with Gia, her nanny. She was taught by fine tutors, and never went without anything she asked for, but Miriam lacked companionship. Her childhood was lonely. Her greatest wish was to be acknowledged by her parents. She took up a great many hobbies in an attempt to impress her fickle mother or her aloof father. But the attempts did nothing but make her parents more and more disappointed in their daughter. She wasn't loud or rambunctious like her mother, and she wasn't as beautiful as her father. She would never follow in her parents footsteps as an actress or a model. That feeling of not being good enough stayed with Miriam as she got older. She had to excel in everything, otherwise she wasn't worth anyone's attention.

Picking up skills easily
Hiding her emotions

Easily misunderstood
Has a severe RBF
Easily frustrated when she isn't immediately good at something.

Anything chocolate (she has a hidden sweet tooth)
Piano, violin

Being ignored
Bugs, even butterflies
Not being good at something

Becca Van Ruth- Mother (alive, 37 yrs old)
Vince Van Ruth - Father (alive, 38 yrs old)
Gia- Nanny (alive, 47 yrs old)

FAMILYBecca Van Ruth- Mother (alive, 37 yrs old)Vince Van Ruth - Father (alive, 38 yrs old)Gia- Nanny (alive, 47 yrs old)

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Royal Family: She is a little intimidated by the prospect of getting to know any of the royals. They seem very competent and she is not used to others being better than her or having a higher status.

Selection: She is not confident in her ability to "win the prize", but she is hoping being on television will make her parents notice her even a little.

Playing the piano/violin
Baking (pastries in particular)
Can speak four different languages
Reading (strictly romance)

FUN FACTSShe is terrified of horses (especially of their teeth)Has had opportunities to meet the royal family due to her parents' statuses, but has always declined

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She is terrified of horses (especially of their teeth)
Has had opportunities to meet the royal family due to her parents' statuses, but has always declined.

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