Happy Snoggletog

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"Yaknog! Get your yaknog! Come on get a frothy delicious cup of cheer." Astrid says while I walk beside her caring the tray with the drink me and Astrid made. We see all our friends and run up to them. "Hey you guys try this tasty new beverage we made for the holidays." Astrid says smiling.

"Blah what's that smell? Is that you?" Tuffnut says pushing Ruffnut away. "Its yacknog!" I say pouring a cup as Tuff gags. "If I drank that I'm gonna yanknog all over the place. Maybe you'd rather taste a punch in the face?" Astrid says getting annoyed. "It sounds delightful, I'd love a mug." Snotlout says grabbing a cup and chugs the whole thing. "You can really taste the yank." He says putting the mug back on the tray.

"Ooo yum! What is that?" Fishlegs says running up to us for our drink. "Oo, you wanna try some? It's our new tradition drink." I say getting excited. "Oh y'know um, I have suddenly and inexplicably changed my mind. Well, you don't know what your missing. I bet Hiccup will love this." I say finishing Astrid's sentence. "You go ahead I'll stay here." Astrid yells to me.

"Hiccup!" I yell looking for him in the armory. "Yeah I'm over here Eris coming!" He yells back. "Here happy holidays, from me to you." I say gesturing for him to take a mug. "Thank you Milady. What are you up to?" I ask. "Okay, your gonna think I'm crazy but, I couldn't just stop thinking about what Tuffnut said last night. Toothless can't come and go like the other dragons and that's just not fair."

"I was up all night and I think I found a way to fix that." Hiccup says pulling a lever on a new tail causing it to expand and detract. No way! You built him a new tail? So he's gonna be able to fly without you. Ah huh!" Hiccup mumbles with his mouth full of yacknog. "Wow, what a great gift. What if he never comes back? What am I saying, of course he will. Well I'm gonna go spread some more holiday cheer, your amazing!" I say running off.

Me and Astrid were going on a walk when Hiccup on Meatlug flys by. "Hiccup?" I yell in confusion. "Where are you going! I have no idea!" He yells back. "Meatlug! What about presents!" I familiar voice yells and we look back to see Fishlegs.

"I can't believe him." Fishlegs says looking at the chain on the ground. "You can't believe him!" Astrid yells back. "You kidnapped your dragon! Well that makes it sound so mean." Fishlegs answers back. "Hey guys?" Tuffnut says trying to get everyone's attention. I look at them to see a pile of dragon eggs. "He flew away the second he was unleashed. I'm 72% sure he wanted to stay. Guys!" Tuffnut finally yells.

"Woah, Meatlug barfed up a pile of rocks!" Fishlegs says clueless. "Your such an idiot, those aren't rocks, your dragon laid eggs!" Ruffnut says. "Hey wait, I bet that's why their dragons left. To lay their eggs!" I say coming to a realization. "But boy dragons don't lay eggs." Fishlegs says still confused. "Yeah your boy dragon, is a girl dragon." Ruffnut says with her hand son her hips. "Okay, that actually explains a few things."

"Hey everyone's missing their dragons right?" Astrid says springing up running to the ribbon Fishlegs had in his shed. "Hey I've got an idea! It'll be another new Snoggletog tradition!" She says turning around to reveal the egg with a bow wrapped around it.

We wrapped up all the eggs in bows and left the shed in all different directions. "Oh this is gonna be so good!" Astrid whisper shouts. We all go around the town placing eggs in everyone's helmets for Snoggletog, once we're done we all meet in front of the tree.

"Wasn't this a great idea?" Astrid says coming out of her last house. "Uh huh! Everyone is gonna be so surprised!" Fishlegs yell and a big bang come from a house that just exploded and hit Fishlegs in the head. "Surprise!" Snotlout yells at the downed Fishlegs making me smirk.

The baby dragon lands on Fishlegs stomach and everyone let's out on awe except Astrid. "The eggs explode?" A couple of the other houses explode to. "The eggs explode!" Astrid yells and try's to say sorry to everyone who had their house blown up. We watch as all the houses engulf in flames as well as the tree. "Awesome." Ruff says in awe. "Wow!" Her brother continues. "This is your best idea yet!" Snotlout tells Astrid.

"What in Thors name is going on!" The Chief yells looking at us. "The eggs are explode." Astrid says as another house behind her blows up.

Everyone's working hard to repair the damage caused from the eggs especially Astrid. "Oh Gobber, this is a disaster." Stoick says to Gobber. "Oh it's not so bad." Gobber tries. "Oh not that bad? The village is destroyed, the dragons have gone and left us, let's face it, this holiday is a complete- what are all these people looking at?" Stoick questions pushing past Vikings and looking towards the sky.

"What is that?" He asks. "It's Hiccup!" He realizes and the crowd cheers. "And our dragons!" I add from a roof of a house. Relief spreads through me as I see d:n flying towards Berk along with Hiccup and the other dragons. The dragons had a boat that they were holding by rope, they drop the rope when the boat is close enough and we all stare at the opening when a baby dragon head pokes out.

All of our dragons land and I run up to d/n and give her a hug right away. "Your back! And there's babys! Everyone, grab your dragons! To the Great Hall, we finally have something to celebrate!" Stoick yells.

"Hiccup, I know this must be really hard for you seeing everyone with their dragons." I say walking up to him. "But you really did a wonderful thing!" I say holding his hands. "Thank you." I say and kiss him giving him a hug.  "Eris where did Toothless go?" He asks. "I don't know." I respond looking at the door seeing a dragon as black as night enter and an idea popped into my head.

"Wow man, wouldn't wanna be your right now. I mean, your brought back everyone's dragons except yours. Yeah y'know this is not helping at all." I couldn't contain myself any longer so I push him so he's facing Toothless. "Toothless hey bud!" Hiccup says running up to the dragon.

He gives him a hug and scolds him. "Bad dragon, very bad dragon." He says pointing a finger as Toothless just follows it. "You scared me to death don't you ever stay away that long again and what is in your mouth?" He asks and the dragon puts his helmet on Hiccups head making his head get soaked with dragon slobber. "Yeah you found my helmet, hey you found my helmet! That's where you've been? Buddy thank you. You are amazing. Happy Snoggletog!" I yell.

Winter in Berk lasts most of the year. It hangs on with both hands and won't yet go, and the only real comforts against the cold are those you keep close to your heart. Turns out that was the best Snoggletog ever.

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