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I was basically supposed to write short story but go carried away-

never finished tho so here ya go:)


Riku was packing her last shirt when her mom yelled," Riku, Denis, and Itsuki are here!" Riku ran down, almost tripping on the stairs.

"Coming!" She opened the door to see her friends already packed up.

"Hey, you finished packing?" Itsuki asked. You could see her shiny blue eyes in the dark so clearly, they were like shining blue crystals under the moon.

"Almost done." Denis had already walked in greeting Riku's mom. His bright yellow hair glowing like someone had sprinkled fairy dust on them.

"Hi, Mrs. Yua," He said bowing. "Oh, why hello Denis." Itsuki had already dragged Riku upstairs to finish packing.

"Riku come on, we don't have all day." Riku put on a face to tell her to chill and started to finish packing.

Itsuki came back downstairs and fell on the soft couch and almost drifted asleep. She almost did, but Mrs. Yua asked, " Why are you so tired dear, aren't you excited?" Itsuki sighed and said, "I am excited but also tired cause Denis decided it would be ok to wake me up at 4 in the morning."

*Flashback* *knock* "hngh..ugh" She walked down the steps to find Denis at her door.

"Hi!" She looked at him with a confused face and said, "What are you doing here it's... 4 in the morning go back to sleep.." She almost slammed the door on him but he said " Exactly, we need to get ready for today!" she looked even more confused as she muttered a "whaaa..?" End of flashback*

"I guess I did wake you a bit early, heh" He muttered as he scratched the back of his neck while Itsuki yelled, " A BIT!?" They were just about to argue but Riku came down with her backpack and said "I'm ready to go" Itsuki whispered "Finally."

"Are you guys ready?" Denis said with his mouth full of chips. They had just taken the bus to the campsite Itsuki dad bought. They stopped for snacks and Denis raided the entire store.

"Don't destroy the campsite,I heard it's really expensive, and we got in for free," Itsuki stated.

They started walking towards the campsite which is in the woods. The trees looked taller than an 8 story building. The branches had shadows that looked like they were reaching for them. The bushes looked like slobs of green. Riku was behind Itsuki, scared half to death. She had no idea why she agreed but she did and she felt like it was one of the stupidest choices she had ever made.

Denis wrecked that thought by screaming, 'We're here!!"

She looked at Itsuki who looked like she was about to blow. "Don't yell," she whispered a bit loud. As soon as they finished setting up Denis plopped on the floor while Riku had a face that could bring lots of trouble to the trio. "

Who wants to...EXPLORE!" Riku said. She was jumping up and down like a maniac.

"Not now, we're tired," Denis said.



𝙾𝚕𝚍 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝙸𝚗 𝙼𝚢 𝙶𝚘𝚘𝚐𝚕𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚌𝚜Where stories live. Discover now