So, What Are We?

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After a while walking back at home in an empty street, you take off your headphones, almost sure you heard a noise. As you look backwards you notice a mask looking out from the darkness. You can see it's very familiar, just like the one you love to watch on the movies, the classic Ghostface mask.

It stares at you lovingly. It waves. You're not sure if you should or shouldn't wave back. Concerned but innocently, you waved back at the cloaked masked male from afar, unsure if this was just a prank from someone you knew or if this was actually the Ghostface everyone knew.

Obviously, you were concerned to say the least. But nonetheless you only waved back at the lurking person to not be rude... This would be a secret to yourself only since you knew no one else would believe that "Ghostface waved at you". After all, he's just from a classic horror movie, right?

Snapping out of your thoughts, the cloaked figure stood there, for a long time looking at you after you waved. And the moment you looked away, he vanished in the darkness of the night. You wonder if you really saw what you believe you saw... but the possibility was haunting.

You felt like you needed to turn on your porch light now, to feel safer. At least when you would arrive home anyway, but you were scared now, really scared.

The moment you got home was the moment you needed to keep yourself safe. You quickly retreated back inside as you turned on the porch light near your front door, looking out the little peep hole as you did. How worrying... You locked the front door right after you closed it; you made your way down the slightly dim hallway to go find the back door so you could lock it.

You didn't care if this was some kind of immature prank, you definitely weren't taking any risks at all to get murdered by a serial killer. Even if it was real or not, your point was still proven. You weren't one to be reckon with anyway. You look around all corners of your property to make sure it isn't still hiding somewhere. You lock your back door.

To be safe, you turn on the lights from the kitchen and the living room, making your whole house seem like daytime. You run up to your room and lock your door. Then you look back at your window, the curtains open, revealing you from another angle. You realized the curtains were opened; oh hell no! You immediately shut them closed and locked the window as well.

Wait... Windows... Windows! You forgot to lock them! You were going to leave your room, but your second thoughts got the best of you. What if he was out there still...? What if he was inside your house now? Then what? You would just end up being shacked the moment you open the door? Obviously, you were dependent on your once-in-a-lifetime life.

You backed away from your locked door and plopped yourself onto your bed, overthinking the endless possibilities of you being killed at any moment, anytime. Your paranoia was driving you crazy and breaking you apart, yet you were so quiet... Quiet to the point where you could hear nothing but the house and its noises.

You're still wondering, waiting, praying for it to be just a prank. Moments passed, but at the moment you start calming down... you feel it. Ghostface's cold breath on your neck. A hand over your mouth. His words whispered to your ear.

"Hello love~..."

You were stunned, not even a sound came from you. You just froze up, your heartbeat started to go back to increasing. How... How did he even get inside...? Especially in your room! Was he hiding when you first walked in? How could you have even missed him?! This was your first and probably last mistake.

You looked up to the ceiling, your soundless words being blocked out by Ghostface's hand covering your mouth. If only you looked around your room a lot more throughly than just scanning your eyes from left to right, then you wouldn't find yourself in this situation. No... You would've found yourself in something worse... After all, your fate was sealed right from the start when Ghostface even found you.

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