Planning And A Celebration

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It's been about 2 and a half weeks since I got my new room. I am in love with it still, I just think being in a new place so fast had an effect on me. For some reason I've been having nightmares. I haven't had nightmares for a long time. Anyway, I'm sitting on my bed doing my taxes. I will pay my rent for as long as I can get away with not actually living there if it means those kids are taken care of. Obviously Papa and Emily too, but I know they'd still put the money towards those kids even if the money were meant for them.

I woke up pretty early and had nothing better to do so that's why I chose to get taxes out of the way. I think we're supposed to be having a meeting at like 10? It's 7:30 right now. The crack of stupid I know. I have one more thing to pay and then I'm going to go start on a small cake for Lucy and the others. She has her first spelling bee competition tonight and I refuse to show up without something. Cake makes everyone happy! So even if she doesn't do well she'll have a reason to smile.

I finished up and put my stuff away before walking to the kitchen. I get there and turn the light on. Then I start taking out everything I need. They all like devil's food so I picked up that cake mix. The cake mix is the only thing I don't make from scratch.

I get to measuring and mixing the batter. Then I pre heat the oven. While that's doing it's thing I lightly oil my circle cake pans and scoop in some flour to generously coat the sides and bottom. Once that's done I pour in my cake mix and let it sit. Normally I'd have preheated the oven already, then started the cake mix and pans, and then smack the pans on the counter a few times. But considering it's early and the others are sleeping I won't do that.

The oven dinged telling me it's ready so I popped the cakes in and set the timer. I then cleaned up and went to sit in the living room. I'm going to wait until I take the cakes out to cool to start on the frosting. I sat on the couch in the corner where it turns and started aimlessly scrolling on my phone.

"Why are you up so early?" Felix said in that morning voice of his.

"Oh my god you scared the shit out of me!" I said, bringing my hand up to my chest.

"Sorry, why are you up so early?" He said, and asked again.

"I don't know, but I did my taxes and got started on a cake for tonight" I answered.

"For tonight? What's tonight?" He asked as he sat down next to me.

"Lucy has her first spelling bee competition" I said.

"Oh that's right, did you need someone to go with you? I think someone should go with you" he responded.

"I'm fine going alone but if you really want someone with me I'll take Minho" I said.

"That, is chaotic evil. And I love that. You're taking Minho, and I'll let him know" he said, smiling like a kid who's done something he shouldn't.

We sat here in a comfortable silence until the timer for the cake started going off.

"Shut the fuck up!" I said to it as I sprinted to turn it off.

I heard Felix giggle as I did this. Funny when you're not the one being woken up FeLiX.

I opened the oven and grabbed a tooth pick and oven mitt. I pulled out the grate a little and stuck the tooth pick in to see if it was done. To my surprise it came out clean. It usually takes at least two tries to get the tooth pick out clean.

I take them out and set them on the stove for a minute while I take out a cooling rack and saran wrap. I place the cooling rack on the part of the counter that doesn't get used often and move to grab the cakes. I put them down, cake side on the rack, and gently pat the bottom of the pans. Then I take the pans away and put them in the sink. I'm not even going to bother touching the cakes yet so I decide to make myself breakfast. Is Felix hungry?

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