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Instead of wearing her uniform to the bar, where she would more than likely have all of the male pilots questioning how she got the uniform, she settled on some black leather pants matched with heels, a red top, and a leather jacket.

Karma rolls her eyes as the bartender winks at her while setting her beer down. Karma turns to look around at the crowd full of various women and Navy men. Karma sees the blonde from earlier as a woman walks up to him, causing her to shake her head knowing that he would end up using the woman.

"Mitchell," Karma says with a smirk as Maverick and Goose join her at the bar.

"You don't play fair do you?" Maverick asks as he looks over Karma's outfit, causing her to lightly laugh.

"There's no fun in that is there," Karma teases as she holds her hand out to Maverick. "Delta Murphy."

"Pete Mitchell," Maverick states with a smile as he shakes her hand.

"And you?" Karma asks as she looks over at Goose, not wanting to exclude him.

"Nick Bradshaw," Goose introduces as he and Karma shake hands. "My call sign is Goose."

"Interesting," Karma replies with a small smile before looking at Maverick with a raised eyebrow.

"Maverick," Maverick adds with a small nod.

"I've heard about you," Karma says with a slight smirk, causing Maverick to look at her concerned.

"All good things I hope," Maverick responds before takes a drink of his beer.

"Good things about your flying," Karma explains with a sly look on her face. "Though a certain female Benjamin didn't have some nice things to say." Maverick frowns while Goose looks at him with raised eyebrows.

Iceman takes a drink of his scotch as he notices Karma standing with Maverick and Goose while he listens to the girl next to him talk.

"Mav," Goose says as he notices Iceman on the other side of the room with his aviators on. "You wanted to know who the best is?" Goose motions over to Iceman, who is once again taking a drink.

"That's him. Iceman. That's the way he flies, ice-cold, no mistakes." Maverick and Karma watch as Iceman talks to the woman beside him. "Just wears you down. You get bored, frustrated, do something stupid, and he's got you."

"Sounds like he has no instincts," Karma retorts as Maverick looks back over at her and Goose, who recognizes the RIO walking past them.

"Hey, hey, Slider," Goose calls as he motions to Slider's uniform as Slider stops. "Thought you wanted to be a pilot, man. What happened?"

"Goose, you're such a dickhead," Slider responds with a shake of his head and a smile on his face. "Whose butt did you kiss to get in here?"

"Well, the list is long but distinguished," Goose remarks with a sarcastic smirk.

"Well, so is my johnson," Slider retorts before throwing back a shot, causing Karma to roll her eyes before turning back to face the bar.

"So you're flying with Iceman, huh?" Goose asks as he takes a drink of his beer.

"It's Mr. Iceman to you," Slider says as he points at Iceman, who is walking up to them.

"Hey, Mother Goose," Iceman says as he and Goose shake hands. "How's it going?"

"Good, Tom," Goose says with a nod before looking over at Maverick, who is leaned against the bar. "This is Pete Mitchell." Maverick and Iceman shake hands. "Tom Kazansky."

"What about you? You got a name?" Iceman questions as he looks over at the back of Karma's head.

"I do," Karma answers as she turns to look at Iceman. "But that doesn't mean you get the privilege of knowing it." Maverick holds back a smile while Iceman slightly raises his eyebrows in surprise.

"Congratulations on Top Gun," Iceman says with a smirk as he changes the subject.

"Thanks," Maverick says with a nod.

"Sorry to hear about Cougar," Iceman explains as he reaches in between Maverick and Karma to grab some peanuts off of the bar. "He and I were like brothers in flight school. He was a good man."

"Still is a good man," Maverick is quick to correct Iceman, causing Karma to nod in agreement because she heard what happened.

"Yeah, that's what I meant," Iceman agrees with a nod.

"Sure it was," Karma quips as she walks away from the men with her beer in hand.

Karma walks over to the jukebox while glancing back at the pilots and RIOs in case a fight breaks out. Karma puts on the song Soldier of Love by Donny Osmond before making her way back over to the bar.

"They were abused children," Karma says in an attempt to make Maverick smile as she rejoins him and Goose since Slider and Iceman had left them alone. Goose laughs as he pats Karma on the shoulder.

"I like the way you think," Goose says as he offers Karma a new beer before she takes it with a nod of thanks.

"We're gonna have a good time," Maverick proposes as he looks over at Goose and Karma with a smirk.

"Always," Goose agrees as they tap their beer bottles together.

"Can you believe that they let her into Top Gun?" Slider asks as he and Iceman watch Karma, Goose, and Maverick tap their beer bottles together.

"Either she's good or she's just for show," Iceman responds with a shrug as his eyes never leave Karma, who laughs at something that Goose says.

"Yeah, she's probably a goody goody," Slider retorts with a eye roll before taking notice of Iceman staring at Karma. "No."

"No, what?" Iceman asks as he looks over at Slider with a raised eyebrow.

"You're into her," Slider accuses with a smirk, though he knows that they do not need a distraction while trying to win the top spot.

"You are losing it, man," Iceman responds with a shake of his head. "She is not my type."

"All right, bet," Slider says as he looks from Iceman to Karma. "The bet is $100."

"Hundred dollars for what?" Iceman asks as he looks at Slider as if he were crazy.

"I bet you a $100 that you can't make her fall in love with you," Slider bets with a smirk on his face, causing Iceman to look over at Karma.

"So, if she falls in love with me, I win? And if she doesn't then you win?" Iceman questions as he glances over to Slider, who nods in agreement. Iceman smirks as he looks over at Karma again while holding his hand out to Slider. "You have yourself a bet."

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