Summer Plans

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Adalynn had been looking forward to this summer for months it was all she could ever think about since it was her senior year. She and her friends had made grand plans to explore New York City, visit museums, and attend concerts. They had even talked about taking a road trip to the beach for a week. Adalynn had been counting down the days until school ended and summer began.

But as the last day of school approached, Adalynn's parents dropped a bombshell on her. They had decided to visit relatives in Willmington, North Carolina for the entire summer. Adalynn was stunned. All her plans for a fun-filled summer with her friends evaporated in an instant. She knew that there was nothing she could really do considering she was only 18 her parents didn't wanna let her stay behind by herself. "Why do we have to go there?" she asked her parents, trying to keep the annoyance out of her voice. "I had so many things planned with my friends. We were going to go to concerts and festivals and spend lazy days by the pool."

Her parents tried to reassure her, explaining that family was important and that they didn't get to see their relatives in Willmington very often. But Adalynn was having none of it. She argued that she had already made commitments with her friends and that it wasn't fair to cancel on them at the last minute.

 Finally, after much discussion, they reached a compromise. They were going to spend the summer in Willmington.

Though Adalynn was still disappointed, she tried to keep an open mind as they packed up the car and headed south. She resolved to make the best of the situation, even if it wasn't exactly what she had hoped for.

As she packed her bags for the trip to Willmington, Adalynn couldn't help but feel disappointed and resentful. She had been looking forward to spending time with her friends and making new memories. Now she was stuck spending the summer with her family in a place she had never been before. She was not looking forward to being away from home.

Despite her disappointment, Adalynn tried to keep an open mind. She knew that she hadn't seen any of her relatives in a long time. Plus she had heard that Willmington was a beautiful coastal town with lots of history and culture. Maybe she could still have a good summer she thought, even if it wasn't the one she had planned. As she boarded the plane with her family, Adalynn resolved to make the best of her summer in Willmington.

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