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I woke up in the middle of the night feeling thirsty and almost passed out.

When I saw the time it was 3; 00 am, the devil’s hour, I tried going back to sleep, but I just couldn’t.

“Come on, girl, ghosts aren’t real but dehydration is so, hold yourself together and get your ice cold water”

I silently prayed as I went down to the kitchen, suddenly I caught someone moving in the shadows

Holy mother of God, was is it the devil?

I was about to scream when I realized that I was just my older brother, Kevin who looked very suspicious. I silently followed him as he went down the basement and was surprised when he opened mysterious door I had never seen, before he could enter. He looked back that me and saw me.

“Don’t you ever tell anymore about this, especially dad, no matter what happens” he said him

“W-why? What’s inside that room?”
He just patted my head and smirked 
“The devil himself”

Then he disappeared into the room and locked it leaving me shaking on fear and confusion

“There’s something his hiding in this room, figure it early in the morning”

I forgot to introduce myself didn’t i?

“Well, name’s Kendra and this is my story of how my mysterious brother changed my life forever”

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