᯽ 𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 ᯽ (For you guys ^^)

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Okay, I just wanted to ask you guys questions so I can know you better! I'm gonb answer them myself too! But first, i need your opinion on something. Should I do a face reveal? Like one without any AI filter? Should I? If I ever do, maybe I'll remove it after a day. But should I?

Anyways, let!s get one with the questions! —>

1. How good are you at cooking?

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: I'm really bad at it. I always forget to measure the ingredients, and add too much or too less of everything. I might even burn down the kitchen, seriously. Don't ever trust me with cooking.

2. What's your favourite game to play? (Like on a device)

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: No exceptions for Project Sekai ^^

3. When you played 'Family' as a kid, what role did you always get?

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: I was always the older teenage sister who's always stuck on her phone- I should've known that's what I would become in the future tho 😅

4. What's the most stupidest thing you've ever done?

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: Tried to make a cake, forgot to add butter or baking soda, added too much food colouring and... I put it in a fricking MICROWAVE for 10 MINUTES. When I said I can't cook (or bake), I mean it.

5. Do you have siblings or are you an only child? And do you like it? (Meaning, like... for example, kf you were the middle child, do you like it?)

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: I have two younger siblings, so I'm the oldest. But being the oldest sucks, everything gets blamed on you by the youngest child— but at least I never get hand me downs lmao 🤣 (my sister, who's the youngest always gets hand me downs by me)

5. What thing would you wanna do for one last time before you die?

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: I just wanna spend one more day in my Year 5 Class, IT WAS THE BEST YEAR EVER. It's been a few years and I miss Year 5 so much.

6. Who do we know you're not a robot?

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: I'm definitely not a robot because.... well... robots are good at math... and I suck at it.

7. What lie did you always believe as a child?

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: That God is the one who makes babies. When I found out the truth in Year 3 I was traumatised because I was so young- 😭

8. What is something childish that you enjoy?

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: Well... I kind of still enjoy playing in swings... it's embarrassing for a middle schooler though-


And... that's all! I'm pretty sure you guys now know how bad I sm st cooking and baking... Maybe I might make a part 2? 🤭

Cya! ✌️

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