᯽ 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚍 #3 ᯽

39 13 42

Guess what? I got tagged! I have to do this within 24 hours OR ELSE ANNABELLE WILL GET ME AT 3AM 😰 Here we go —>

Guess what? I got tagged! I have to do this within 24 hours OR ELSE ANNABELLE WILL GET ME AT 3AM 😰 Here we go —>

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1. When is your birthday?
14th of October

2. What is your zodiac sign and your birth stone?
I'm a Libra, and my birth stone is Opal ^^

3. What are your hobbies?
Drawing, listening to music, writing...

4. What kind of music do you like? Name some songs of the genre chosen by you.
I love a lot of different genres. (Just not heavy metal-) But I REALLY love J-Pop!

- Happy Synthesizer
- Angel's Clover
- Color of Drops
- Nomad
- Hello/How Are You?
- Charles
- Usseewa

Hehe :3

5. What's your current obsession?
I'm literally in love with the song Nomad right now (N25 ver.)

I'm also really obsessed to Project Sekai these days!

6. Are you a day or night person?
A day person, the night is kinda boring for me-

7. Do you collect anything? If yes, what is it?
I do. Cards in Project Sekai.

8. What is your favourite beverage?
I have two actually. First is a strawberry milkshake with ice cream and sprinkles and candy and whipped cream and strawberry syrup and a strawberry on top :3
But my second is just Coke ^^

9. What should you be doing right now?
Sleeping. It's 12 for me-

10. Which phone do you use? Apple or Android?
Apple. I don't even know how to use Android 😓

11. What is one thing you dislike about yourself?
*sigh* I curse... I just can't help it... (but if my parents find out they will kill me istg)

12. What book is your favourite?
Offline: Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card

Online: Literally ANYTHING written by these ppl: MiraculousPokeblader , Sakaikurenai_281 , ShuKurenai918 , and Inshira_Nisshoku ! :3

13. What makes you unique?
Idk... maybe... I'm bad at cooking....? I really don't know.

14. Aside from basic necessities, what is one thing you cannot go a day without?
My devices obvi ^^

15. Which fictional character do you wish you could meet?
Um... I can't choose between Hatsune Miku or Shu Kurenai 😭 uh...idk...
Fine... Shu Kurenai

16. What's the best lesson you've learn from a work of fiction?
That if I want to have an open and imaginative mind, I'll have to try different books of all genres. (I used to be only stuck on only one book genre which was fantasy, and I was so stubborn-)

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