dumb blonde | YB

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Female reader (she/her)

Y/n goes to the the kitchen, seeing Yelena she tries to quietly sneak up on the Blonde. Y/n jumps out, "boo!" The girl laughs as Yelena jumps slightly. "You finally got me detka!" Yelena smiles, turning around after taking her food off the stove. "I did! Did you make your Mac and cheese with hot sauce again?" Y/n chuckles, "yes I did, okay? It's soo good!" Yelena playfully pouts. She nods in agreement.

The two serve bowls and just sit and talk for what seems like hours, Tony and Natasha come to the kitchen. "Did you guys finish the food or did you actually leave some?" Tony laughs at Yelena's annoyed face. "We left some food." Y/n answers for them. "Atta girl!" Tony laughs as he makes a bowl for himself, along with Natasha. Tony goes back to his lab while Natasha joins on their conversation.

"What have you two girls been up to this week?" Nat has been busy with missions so she misses learning about both of their days. "I went on a mission for the whole week." Yelena says with a mouth full of Mac and cheese, Y/n on the other hand took a small bite. "Surprisingly I haven't gotten any missions these past weeks, but I went on a run Sunday and I've just been working out!" Y/n says a bit excitedly.

"That's amazing, both of you." Nat smiles, taking another bite. "Would you guys like to watch a movie later on? We can watch Princess And The Frog?" Y/n asks, looking at them as she eats some more food. "Again? We've seen that movie so many times, but I'd gladly see it again." Yelena says, finishing up her food, putting the bowl in the sink as she sits down. "Sure, I'll see it, I don't think I've seen it yet." Nat shrugs taking a bite.

Y/n gasps dramatically, "you haven't seen it!? You have to see it now!" Y/n squeals in excitement as she gets a new movie buddy.

Natasha goes upstairs as she forgets the movie night she had, Y/n and Yelena sit on the couch watching the movie. The room is silent as they cuddle, the only sound filling the room is the TV. Y/n smiles up at Yelena, "you'll always be my dumb blonde." Y/n smiles softly, Yelena smiles back, kissing her nose.

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