Poseidon's Daughter (Johnny)

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Okay, first off, I did not plan on getting attacked by half a dozen serpent-legged women this morning. It just kinda happened.

So I was on my way to the coffee shop for breakfast. Personally I hated coffee, but Turner's Coffee Shop had the best chocolate doughnuts. I walked down to the shop, my bow on my back, my quiver of arrows on my belt. I had just come back from my morning archery class, which always ran from 5 to 8 in the morning. No one ever asked about my bow; the shopkeeper knew my mother well.

I walked into the shop and ordered my usual chocolate doughnut and orange juice. A group of six ladies with crazy, tangled-looking hair was squeezed into one of the booths, and they would not stop staring at me. I couldn't put my finger on it, but there was something weird about them. I watched them out of the corner of my eye as I ate.

About 20 minutes later, two teenagers around my age walked in, a boy and a girl. Both had jeans and orange T-shirts. The girl had blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail and gray eyes that reminded me of the tornado that had torn apart my house when I was 7. The boy was slightly taller than her, with dark messy hair and sea-green eyes. Something was written on their shirts. Being highly dyslexic, I couldn't read to save my life, but I recognized the lettering immediately: Greek. Whenever I would read, it was always in Greek. It seemed to be the only language I could read in. I read the lettering on their shirts: Camp Half-Blood. Being a major Harry Potter nerd, I wondered if that was some kind of camp for crazy Harry Potter kids. I'd get my answer in about 5 minutes.

The teens walked up to the bar and ordered. The girl got a plain bagel with cream cheese, but the boy insisted on something blue. He got a blueberry doughnut with blue frosting. I wondered what his obsession with blue food was. They walked over to a high table and sat in the chairs, occasionally glancing over at me. The girl was eyeing me the entire time. It made me feel strange, like she knew something about me that I didn't.

After about five minutes, I slid off my chair and threw my garbage away. The weird ladies with the crazy hair got up too. They started walking over to me. I headed towards the bathroom, eyeing them. One of them followed me in. I walked up to the sink, and she tackled me.

"What the-" I started.

"Give it to me!" she hissed at me.

"What are you talking about?!" I yelled, squirming beneath her.

"You!" she hissed, frothing at the mouth. Her pupils were slits, like a dragon's. "You stole it! We want it back!"

"I don't-" I started to say something, but the lady yelped and fell sideways off me, disintegrating into dust. When I sat up, the blonde-haired girl was standing in front of me, her gray eyes fierce with hate, a bronze dagger in her hand.

"What...who are you?" I asked. "How'd you-"

"No time!" the girl said. She ran over to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me up. "Percy's handling the other five. Come on! We have to get you to camp!"

"Camp? What camp? Who are you guys?!" I followed her out into the dining area, where the boy-who was apparently named Percy-was fighting the other five ladies. The scene kinda freaked me out.

Percy was wielding a shiny bronze sword. The ladies had snakes for hair, and their legs looked like a dragon's legs. When Percy slashed at them with his sword, they would disintegrate. Two piles of dust lay on the ground, and the remaining three ladies were hissing and spitting at Percy.

"Annabeth!" Percy called. "We need to get out of here!"

"Ya think, Seaweed Brain?!" Annabeth called back. "I've got the girl; she's fine. Let's go!"

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