Part 2 - Mario's Myth

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Peach and Luigi soon arrived at the alsuym. Both of them were dead silent the rest of the walk, which was at least 30 minutes of complete and utterly silence betweent the two. The closer they got to the asylum, the more obvious Luigis trembling was. The flowers began to shake under his chin, their alluring smell keeping his nose occupied while the rest of him was being busy being scared. He felt his mind race with a million pictures of what Mario looked like, to try repare himself for what he was soon to see.

Peach's on the other hand, she knew how Mario looked, how he laughed in happiness every time he saw here, because he "broke her free from Bowser". Every time she visited, she got down onto her knees and held onto his shoulders, gently telling him that that wasn't real, that he needed to come back.. She told him about her real days, hoping to god that it would bring him back, but she got nothing but nonsensical laughs and happy announcements of magic mushrooms.. Those were his pills. Those gumbas? All made up. He could usually be found jumping up and down and slamming his feet on the floor in his room.

They soon arrived to the aslyum, standing before it and staring up tk the sign in silence for a moment. It was a large building and a plain one, being mostly white on the outside of it, with no corner and only curved edges, so it's harder for patients to ||hurt themselves by smashing their head into walls||. Peach looked up to the building, re-placing her hand on Luigis shoulder. She could feel his body try to flinch away, then continue to tremble after it. Peach slowly looked down to Luigi, ho was staring up to the building with a fearful look.

"We don't have to-"

Peach began, gently tapping her fingers Luigis shoulder and giving a remorseful look to him. But Luigi lifted his hand and moved Peachs hand off him.

"No.. I can-a do 'dis."

He replied in a slightly heavy accent. Peach slowly put her hands in her pockets, beginning to fiddle with her earrings that were in there before heading inside the building. She signed in at the desk and Luigi watched on, sat on a sofa behind Peach and staring at her, waiting with his legs tapping on the floor out of anxiety; his eyes trailing to one of the patients who were being let out. This patient, or ex-patient, had marks all over their faces and his nails were aw fully long. Their hair was missing in a few spots on their head. They were being taken away by and older person, possibly their parental guardian. Luigi shook his head and looked back to the floor with a sigh and waited a bit longer for Peach.

Soon, Peach was done signing in. The facility trusted her because of her countless visits to Mario, and her need to always take off anything or remove anything from her bags if something was dangerous for him. She told the staff the flowers were edible, and they believed her because of the faint smell off food in the from and the look of the flowers. Peach turned to Luigi, gently placing a hand on his chin and she kneeled before him. Luigi looked to her fearfully, scared for what she was going to say..

"You're so brave, Lu."

She said in a gentle voice, which made Luigi sigh and force forwards a gentle smile. Then Peach stood back up to her full height, taking a step back to let Luigi get up with the flowers. Peach turned towards the door, gesturing for Luigi to do the same, then placing a hand on Luigis back as she slowly made her way into the aslyum.. They passed singular cell after singular cell, but could only hear the drowned out giggles of the insane from inside them, their doors being shut and only openable by a button from the outside located very close to the door. Luigi stayed quiet at each one, each little gasp for air whilst they laughed made him wonder how bad Mario was.. For each cell, there was a small screen beside the button that opened the door; which showed what was going on inside.

After a while; Peach stopped in from of one certain cell, labeled "M64" on the front on a little piece of steel. The screen for Mario showed him sat in a corner, rocking in his straight jacket in the corner.. Luigi stared at the door, listening out for his brother. Luigi heard mutters from him, and a few little 'yahoos' along the way.. Luigi stared at the door, his entire body trembling as he stared. He looked to Peach, wondering how on earth she could deal with all this. Peach was staring to the door with a concerned look, before she stepped forwards and gently knocked on the door of the cell.

"Mario? May we come in?"

She spoke soft to not alarm Mario, but he knew she was here from the utter silence that now came from the room, then the scattering of breath from Mario and the gentle footsteps approaching the door. Peach glanced to Luigi, as if to ask; 'Are you ready?'. Luigi responded by nodding, shuffling around with the flowers. Luckily, they had tissue paper around them, to protect them from his sweating hands. Peach gave him one final nod before slowly pushing a button for the door and gently pushing it open as she looked around.

Mario wasn't too far from them, now standing barely inches away and smiling at Peach with this huge grin. His face was covered in little plasters, one blue, one yellow, one green, but outlined around his face. He bobbed up and down the more he looked at Peach, almost doing a little jog as she stared up to her with these crazy eyes.. His hair was an utter mess, and so was is scattered mind.

"Princess! A-wahoo!"

Mario jumped into the air, his grin wide as ever as he looked to her. Peach looked worried at Mario for a moment, now standing with the door open to let Luigi in. Mario wouldn't leave because... Well, Peach was right there, there was no point into trying to save her if she was safe. Luigi stared to his brother in utter silence, his eyes wide and his body trembling still. Mario didn't notice him at all; too busy staring at Peach. Peach looked to Luigi, giving him a small smile, which calmed his nerves a bit as he now stepped into the room..

Peach shut the door behind him, then placed a hand on Luigis shoulder. Mario had not noticed him it seems, his eyes too focused on Peach to pay any attention to anything else. Peach then gestured to Luigi.

"I brought you company, Mario."

Mario's eyes then trailed to Luigi, and even though Luigi felt guilt grow in his stomach, Mario's face lit up, his eyes having a little sparkle in them as he smiled to his brother, trotting closer to him. Luigi began to shake more, his mouth open as he looked down to Mario, in complete utter fear the more he stared to the man.

"Luigi! Did you-a save-a da' Princess Peacha all by yourself! Wowie!"

He announced happily, smiling to Luigi and letting his mind create more and more image of Luigi in his fake world.. A million images of Luigi rushing into the castle to grab Peach lingered in Mario's mind...

"No.. I ah.. Did not.. But I do have-a.. Some flowers for you.."

Luigi squeezed out these words from his tightening throat. He was trying not to cry as every little sound escaped his lips. He stared Mario, who now looked suspiciously at the flowers.. Luigi was shaking, his body trembling the more he looked to Mario, his eyes barely being able to focus through all the tears. Peach now stepped in, gently collecting the flowers off Luigi's soft grasp and leaning down to Mario to gently pick off one of the petals, holding out the flower petal to him.

"They're edible, do you want some?"

Peach smiled as she tilted her head. This gave Mario some ideas for more 'monsters' in his world. He opened his mouth and let Peach gently give it to him. Mario bit down through the soft petal, nibbling on it as he gave hums of enjoyment.


Mario announced as he looked to Peach with a smile, happily patting his feet on. The floor like a dog would. He turned, going to walk towards one of his corner.

"Just like the green mushrooms!"

He said.. Peach sighed, then turned to Luigi. Luigi seemed frozen in time, his hands still out slightly, offering the flowers that were ment to be there. Peach gently shuffled to Luigi on her knees, taking his hand in hers and cupping it as she gently rubbed it with her thumb. She then glanced to Mario, giving a small sigh.

"There are no green mushrooms, Mario.."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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