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The silence that blanketed the forest was broken by the crunching of dried leaves underfoot.

A slim shadowy figure wove between the trees, trying to shake the group of guards that were hunting them down.

As they got to the base of a cliff, the paused for a moment and felt around for entrance to the narrow path up to the cliff. While Kaia Stone had their back turned a tall female dressed in a dark gray cloak and black tunic and pants with grey accents popped out from the shadows and clasped a metal collar around Kaia's neck.

Their eyes widened in shock before they tried to lift their hands up to take it off. Failing, a tsunami of exhaustion suddenly hit and Kaia collapsed, hitting the ground with a full thud.

"Well, well, well. The magically gifted Storm chaser is finally at me mercy. " cackled a femanine voice.

Using the little energy they had left, Kaia looked at the one person they hoped to never see again.

Hearing a mumbling sound coming from the Empress, Kaia was scared as they recognised the mumblings as an imprisonment spell.

"From the moment the moon sets tonight,
The magic of your powers will no longer shine bright.
Chained to this place by your own powers,
This will be where you spend the rest of your hours.
No one will be able the find you to help you escape,
Not unless they want to share your fate."

And with the last few words Kaia felt a pain shoot through their body and their final thought as they transformed into the prison of a phoniex body a spell cast by them made sure only those in need could find them.

287 word count for my prologue. I'm sorry if it's crap it is the first time I'm putting a story of mine out there for people to read.

I will be grateful if anyone reading my book called uld help me in making a cover for it it would be greatly appreciated.

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