Day 1 is kinda repetitive huh?

410 5 2

You woke up to the sensation of your hand being wet. Well, more like licked. Something was licking your hand. 


Y/n shot up from their position on the floor. 

Where am I? 

They looked around, for something familiar, or maybe something to spark there memory? Grazeing over the horizon, they saw nothing but field upon field upon field to their right. There was a skinny path winding down them, twisting in every which way, like someone threw down a noodle and said, 'YUP. THAT'S A GOOD ROAD RIGHT THERE."


OH! Wait there had been something licking my hand! 

Y/n's gaze fell down to her side, there was some sort of tiny cat, but it had 2 tails. 

"What the-"

"Hello, my lady! I see you have finally visited us! I could show you around if you like?"


"Please do not panic my lady, Tehy should explain everything!"

"You... you spelled that wrong."

The cat suddenly turned Cheshire.

"I didn't spell anything silly! I was talking!"

"What? But you..."

They stopped realizing he was right.

"Then- how- what did-"

They looked at the sky to gather their thoughts, when suddenly the cat pounced on their face pushing it to the ground. He looked down at them, and then at Tehy.

"Did I do good!?" 

He asked, a smile now protruding fast on his face, and ripping past the flesh of his body.

Yes, always my little friend. The cat then jumped into the ground, until I need him again.  I love that little fellow. Now, How about we go into their mind like any good isekai? What's that? Did you find the cat disturbing? Well, this is a Yandere book, did you not expect something disturbing? Or do you truly believe yanderes are fine? sane perhaps? Normal? Well, I know you think they are at least a little desirable, whether that's normal or not. But if you want a sweet yandere, this isn't it. it might be a little better by the end, but we are talking about an insane obsessive, murderous person you know. Eney who, into their mind! or... yours? I debated how to say this for a good 3 minutes. ONWORD!

You wake up to the sensation of your hand being wet. but only in a small spot.


Y/n shot up from their position on the floor. 

Where am I?

They looked around, for something familiar, or maybe something to spark there memory? Grazeing over the horizon, they saw nothing. Just a void.


OH! Wait my hand! It was wet! Maybe that will make some sense?

Y/n's gaze fell down to her side, there was nothing. 

"Well fuck me I guess." 

They put their hand to their chin. The not-wet one.

"Did I finally try drugs or sum....?"

Not quite my little y/n! 


They turned around, only to see nothing.

"your... problem...?"

You have been isekaied into Avatar the Last air bender! You lucky bitch you!

Rough Rage, and overflowing obsession. (yandere Zuko x isekai reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ