1: Changing emotions

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I had just taken a spontaneous trip to Hollywood. I've always thought about it since I started with acting but I hadn't thought about where to stay. Instead I took my van by myself and parked on a street near huge buildings. It seemed expensive which was great. Mostly because it had a nice view of the palms and the sunset was spectacular. I sat in the backseat wearing my sunglasses to watch the sunset, but instead my eyes landed on a painting at the parking lot. It wasn't the first time I had seen him in Hollywood. That was Rick Dalton, the most known actor in the whole city.

I looked closely at the entire painting for entire minutes. It was beautiful with the sun hitting his face and the angry look he had in his eyes. An idea popped up in my head and I stretched my arm over the front seats to grab my bag. My hand searched like crazy for my sketchbook and a pencil.

I made myself comfortable with pillows and a colorful blanket I found at the airport. No one was there as I started sketching out the painting and the environment around it. A blue car was parked next to it and high palms surrounded the paining of the actor.

It felt like a dream sitting here and drawing beautiful Hollywood. Maybe I wasn't meant to become an actress as I've always dreamt of being. Seeing such an incredible actor as Rick on posters everywhere, was motivating me though. But seeing a group of laughing people going towards the painting was less motivating. They ruined my view and looked around to make sure no one was there, so I quickly closed the door and looked through the window to see what was going on. They had lots of spray bottles in different colors, one for each person.
I couldn't recognize any of them so I picked up my camera to take some pictures. When I looked up from the camera, I got shocked to see devil horns on his forehead, a pistol that was pointed against his head and they had written "stuttering alcoholic" with big letters. Instead of getting into trouble, I stayed there in the car waiting for them to leave. I didn't know if that was a good idea or not but that's what I did. They were finally gone after a while so I could finish my work, but without the scribble they had made.

I sat there for an hour or so until my drawing was done. Then a beige Cadillac passed by and parked in front of the destroyed painting. I could hear screams and tears coming from the car before a man in a brown leather jacket stepped out. He angrily walked towards the painting to hit it really hard with his hands. "Look! Everyone thinks I'm shit! I mean look at this!" That was Rick Dalton. After a while of crying beneath his sunglasses, another man came out of the car. Rick imitated his stutter causing his friend to comfort him.

He quickly looked around on the street, Rick's both eyes landed on my van. With determined steps, he ran over to me who was hiding underneath my blankets and hat that would cover my face. "The hell do you think you're doing here your fucking hippie? It's my private road, alright? Talk to me and open this fucking door!" Rick screamed as he knocked on the window. "You know I can see you're in there so go out and talk, alright? Did you do this shit? Open the door!"

"Okay, I'll open! Chill down a bit." I mumbled the last words before opening the heavy door.

"Good! Now take this fucking hippie van and get off my fucking street! If you come around here again I'll call the," Then he stopped. Even if it looked like he was trying to say something, nothing came out of his mouth and then a smile appeared on his lips. He did look way better in person. "Sorry, um i- is this your car?" He fixed his hair with his one hand.

"Yeah, or basically I stole it but no one owned it so I took it." I sat up with the blanket around my shoulders.

"Alright." He chuckled softly at my story as he looked around in my car. "You saw who it was? You know, that." He pointed at the ruined painting.

"Well, I didn't see who it was, but I got some pretty pictures if that would help." I grabbed my bag to give him the camera.

"Thank you, and shit I'm sorry for yelling. I didn't know it was, you." He swallowed hard as he tried to understand how the camera worked.

"It's okay, Rick. I didn't know it was a private road, but of course I'll leave you alone. You can keep the camera."

"You know who I am?" He wiped away his tears from his eyes, walking closer to sit down on the edge of the car. Suddenly he looked way more confident.

"Of course, you're Rick fucking Dalton and apparently, I'm a fucking hippie." I laughed out, but I knew he wasn't fully wrong.

"Sorry about that. I shouldn't have been yelling at a lady like you." He smirked. "Holy shit, did you make this?" His hands found the sketch of him and his parking lot. He studied it carefully, smiling at the clean and beautiful painting.

"Rick, I'm goin' home now!" His friend shouted from the blue car. He gave Rick a wink and a cigarette as he passed by. "Don't forget to give back my glasses tomorrow morning!"

"Thanks man." He said too late for him to hear, instead he went back to looking at the drawing I made. "You're incredible, you should definitely get paid." He complimented my work causing me to smile.

"Thank you." I stretched out my arm as a sign for him to give me some money. Money was needed in that moment and worth a try.

A laugh escaped his lips as he light up the cigarette. He put it between his lips with his two fingers and smoked it, a little smoke came out of his mouth as he breathed out. "No, no, no. You get to stay here for a week and a smoke, that's all I can offer you, alright? And I don't fucking smoke! Fucking bullshit!" He instantly switched emotions and threw the cigarette on the ground, smashing it underneath his shoes.

I didn't really know how to react in a situation like that, so I tightened the blanket around me before climbing out of the car. "Come, is this your house?" I looked at the huge house I had parked next to. He nodded as he wiped away the tears under his eyes. I let the car open to follow Rick to his front door. It was interesting to see how an actor like him lived, even if I couldn't see much.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have cried in front of you like that." His eyes were watery as they looked at me, blue sweet eyes.

First chapter and I hope y'all like it<3
I'd love to get some ideas for this story, thank you!

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