Shooting Stars!

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Rehmat's POV
Thank God for Mr. Sinha intervening, because I would have definitely stomped my heel clad feet on Rudraansh's expensive as fuck shoes.
Why was he so infuriating!?
But God, why was he so blessed in the department of looks! It was so unfair. Couldn't he have had a pot belly? Well not like pot bellies are ugly but atleast, it would have been slightly different, than actually looking at his black shirt stretching across the planes of his abdomen. He filled that suit to a PERFECTION! Every time he smiled that sexy, "let me take you out for a dinner smile" at the plastic barbies, I melted right along with them.
Was Armani scouting? Because they would kill to have him model. Come to think of it, I would kill to have him model. I have seen more than 10 social butterflies eyeing him like he's a candy. I wanted to poke their eyes out, the thought was disturbing. Maybe I need to call my therapist again. Hmm. Am I loosing it?

"What do you think Rehmat? Isn't that the best way to go around it?" Mr. Sinha asked. All the three men there were staring at me.

Damn! Fuck! What were they talking about? I remember the snippets about "Board of directors", "liquidation of assets" and something about replacing the top management.

Damage control Rehmat, she needed to come to play. "Sir, I believe there is still a lot to be worked on, but before that, I do believe that the idea of replacing the top management holds an appeal." I said, cautiously taking a sip of my grape juice. Mr. Sinha gave a satisfied nod. "That's what I think too." He said.

Whoosh! Deflected. I needed to stop day dreaming of the devil in the black suit. This man was way too handsome for his own good.

I stiffened as I felt a hand on the small of my back. I recognised that scent. I turned slightly to the left.
Standing there looking as dashing as he did 2 years ago, was my ex, as in the only guy I dated. Maanav Singh.

"Hello Gentlemen, and as always, hello beautiful." He directed a smile at me.
I cringed. Beautiful, really? In front of my boss?

"Hello Maanav." I said in an even tone, moving towards the left, making his hand slip from my back. I did not like his touch at all.

"Gentlemen, may I borrow her for a while?" He asked directing his question towards Mr. Sinha. He nooded, looking at me with a question in his eyes. I gave him a resurring smile. He didn't need to worry about Maanav.
I bid my farewell to all three men and turned to look at Maanav. Once upon a time, he looked the best to me. However, today I felt no stirr of emotions.
I had truly gotten over him and everything that he did. He made me feel nothing. Unlike a certain someone, looking at me directly, and with a gaze so possesive, I shivered. Why was Rudraansh staring at me like that?

"Maanav. Is their a reason you wanted to see me?" I asked, my eyes looking bored.
"You mean, is their a reason why I wanted to get some alone time with the most gorgeous woman in the entire ball? Isn't it obvious. I miss you. I wanted to be able to talk to you. I want to atleast be someone to you." His eyes looks pleading.
I wasn't going to fall for this bullshit.

"Maanav, it's been more than 2 years. Can you let it go? It's getting repetitive." I sighed.

"I am here still, aren't I Rehmat? Please, give me another chance." He said again.

"Like I gave you another chance when I first caught you getting hanky panky with a random woman in the bar? Or like when I gave you another chance when I saw you being flirty with the woman who hated my guts, on Instagram? You have run out of chances Maanav. You are nuts if you think you are getting any chances from me. Please, it just doesn't suit a grown man." I said, with a straight face. His betrayal didnt hurt anymore. He looked like an ugly chapter from my past, nothing more, nothing less.

"Rehmat, you haven't dated in two years, ever since . That has to mean something right? I still am madly in love with you. Please." He said.

God! He thought I wasn't dating because I was holding a candle for him? For someone who passed from Whartons, he looked like he lost a few nuts.
I laughed, snickered actually.

"What it means is, I was busy making a name for myself Maanav. Not all of us have a rich dad, who gives us a job at their company. Some of us have to work." I said, fake sweetness quoting every word.

"Rehmat! Stop being a bitch." He said, looking offended.
"Then stop fucking cribing and crying. It's repulsive. Especially after you were the one who cheated on me." I said, turning and leaving.

"I am back in town Rehmat, and this time, I won't repeat the same mistake. I will have you back." He called out after me.

"Keep dreaming asshole." I said without turning.

Just as I was approaching, the small dias placed out, I saw Rudraansh come up behind the mic.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and anyone who doesn't identify as either. First of all I am extremely grateful for your presence here today. It is indeed a very beautiful and important day for Singhania's. Mind me is a child of our efforts. It is also a something, dedicated to my beautiful and strong mother." He paused, looking at her with adoration.
I saw Mrs. Singhania wipe a tear from her eyes.

"Today, I would like to say that the privilege that we all recieve as men and women in power, should pave way for a better society. Our biggest contribution should be betterment, and not just more money in our never ending bank accounts. Because the lord knows, the net worth of this room today is more than the economy of a few nations."
He winked at his dad. And the room broke out in chuckles, I felt my lips tip. This man was after my heart I swear. But he hates you, and constantly bitches about it Reh. He is definitely not after your heart. The devil in my left shoulder whispered.
My guardian angel was high, probably, because no retort came to my right one.

"Before I end it here, I would again like to thank you all for gracing this ocassion today. There is nothing better than celebrating a win with people you love, admire and respect. And I feel those emotions for each one you." His eyes found mine, and I felt a jolt of electricity run through my body.
Why was my traitor body so aware of this man?.
Well you can't blame a devotee for worshipping the Greek God before it's eyes. Sigh.

And then suddenly, I saw Mr. Singhania get up.

"Everyone. There's another thing I want to share with you all today. At first, when I realised that my babies were growing up, I wanted to pause time. I wanted to keep them in a glass box. But then they grew up, and as I saw Aaliya become a queen from a princess, I also saw Rudra, become the rightful knight, and a protector. I have no words for how proud I am of both of them."
I heard Aaliya gasp. And saw Rudraansh, going rigid. He could not take praise. But his eyes were shining, they looked like a star studded sky. I wanted to reach for my phone and take a picture of this beautiful moment.

"Anyways, today when I saw how beautiful his creation is. When I saw how passionate he is about all of this. I realised he became someone I can trust with everything. And so today, Rudra, I give you the complete command of the Singhania's."

My eyes widened. This was going on forbes. He was most probably going to the 30 under 30 of this year. I smiled wide. I could see why this was an impromptu reaction.

I saw Rudraansh close his eyes and look up. I saw him move to hug his father. And more than that, I felt him slip the mask of indifference he wore. I saw him become the vulnerable child, that he sometimes looked. I felt my eyes water.

I saw him mutter thank you, dad! I won't let you down in his father's ear. His father nodded
And just like that the entire room broke out in cheers and claps.
Indeed today, was a good day. For both of us. He looked at me and raised his glass, I did the same.

We had our food and just as I was about to leave. I heard his mother say, "Now that you are the King Rudra, it's time to look for a queen!"and she winked at her friend sitting next to her.
My mood soured, imaging him with another woman made me want to throw up, and that was totally unreasonable.

"I think I already have someone, mom." He said and then his eyes found mine from across the room. He tipped his head and his eyes shone with mischief.

A pang hit me. I would never be able to give him or anyone, anything. My demons would soon destroy everything I wanted or liked. Because that's what they did, they blackened every light. They destroyed every good thing in life. They killed every single soul.
I gave him a small smile, and turned to my food.

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