WHAT THE...!?!

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Guys I have bad news
And bad news is my exam date is declared and more wrost thing is first exam paper is on my birthday. Like seriously. They got my birthday date to start exam. Only my birthday date. Oh God!!! What should I do now  I can't even celebrate my birthday properly. I want to celebrate my birthday without any tension and presere.
I didn't even get time to study cause you all know about my mom right? She start doing house chores from last 2 days. But she can't do everything. Only some small thing she can do. My 2 assignment is still pending. I didn't get time. This 2 assignment is very big. It's around 90 or 100 page of each assignment. If I start writing now than till exam my assignment won't be complete and I didn't get time to read if I write those shits.. My life is suck army. I only know that I am gonna die in stress and presere of house chores and exam. ARMYs plz prey for me. My birthday date is 27 April.

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