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(This is my first AU so don't be mean)

After X stole their propeller, Leafy got in the water and started pushing the boat to another island. They looked around, trying to figure out where they were. the island wasn't empty, owned by some lisu people. They got back in the boat, but there was something in that water that made leafy feel..... different. She shoved firey head first into the water, stomping on his face to make sure he died. She used a nearby canon to launch herself back to the island of bfb. SHe dived head-first into gelatin, making him explode into little jelly peices. Everyone near was horrified, and ran. Woody hid behind blocky, who got stabbed in the face before his limbs were ripped off. She lit a grenade and chucked it at X and 4, Killing them and then injuring Taco and Lollipop, who were nearby.Leafy was about to shoot taco, but then Flower leaped at her and shoved her face into the sand, suffocating her but then she threw the knife at flower, and Leafy ran off. The next day, Taco ended up dying, but Lollipop made it. Ruby got a message from bubble to come to the library, so she did. When she got there, Leafy was just standing behind her and suddenly attacked. Ruby didn't make it, so she opened the book she kept hidden and crossed off the dead ones. "7 remain, 0 to spare..."


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