CHAPTER 5: Gathering of Strengths

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The Eyes and Ears of the World

Monkey D. Luffy Wreaks Havoc In Marineford Once More
By: Absa

The most infamous super-rookie, Monkey D. Luffy, sworn sibling to the late Portgas D. Ace, granddaughter of marine hero Monkey D. Garp, and daughter to the Revolutionary Monkey D. Dragon, unexpectedly returns to Marineford while it is being rebuilt.

Along with "Dark Night" Silvers Rayleigh and "Knight of the Sea" Jinbei, they captured a marine ship heading to the Marine headquarters and circles the island, as if to pay homage to those who have lost their lives during the war.

She then jumps to the central island to ring the sacred Ox Bell, sixteen times, before proceeding to the chasm and dropping a bouquet, subsequently taking off her hat and places it to her chest, a seemingly new tattoo visible, paying her respects.

As of now, it is unclear why exactly Monkey D. Luffy has done what she did. All we know for certain is: Once again, the Female Supernova has shaken the world.


CHAPTER 5: Gathering of Strengths

Kuraigana Island

One year, eleven months, and twenty eight days to go before he can see them again.

His head turned by instinct to his right and—right on cue—one of those annoying monkeys appeared, eyes oozing with the lust for blood. He looked into its eyes for a moment, certain his eyes was showing the same, but it was quickly pulled away when sensed another humandrill attacking him from behind. He barely avoided the blunt of the spear. He twisted his body and hit the spear's arm and it impaled the ground where he stood precisely one second prior.

Looking at the erected spear, an image appeared in his head, but he pushed it down when yet another weapon flew to his direction. He quickly took down the humandrill, and for that moment he allowed himself to be reminded of a certain village, situation, and decision that changed his life forever.

"You must be Zoro."

When he first saw her, he was tied at a post—much like this one—hungry and tired, and then she grinned and he knew he was delusional.

She was bright, more so with the brilliant sky behind her. For a moment his eyes were wide, but almost immediately his hostile expression returned. He had taken it as the return of his sanity. "What do you want?" He asked with as much venom and annoyance as he could've mustered at the time.

"Be my nakama!" She announced and he scoffed at her face. She hadn't seem disheartened though, if anything it seemed it made her more inclined to turn him into a pirate.

That was where it began.

The next thing he knew, he was facing execution and she was the one who saved him, in exchange to becoming her nakama, of course. Her first one.

He usually despised being forced, but he had let that one slide.

It was one of the best decisions he ever made.


A bullet grazed his arm, and he turned to its source. He sprinted and closed his eyes for focus, feeling that indescribable force surging through him. "Shishi Sonson," he uttered, and the monkey was blown away, defeated.

Before he met her he had a straight goal and, at the same time, he was aimless. He wanted to be the best swordsman in the world, and to do so he must defeat Mihawk, and nothing else mattered. He didn't even mind the aimless, directionless, journeys of drifting around.

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