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The image above is by me ;]

Your life is based on my life.
SPOILER ALERT: You don't have the best life.

✧ You act like a parent figure to the collector. As said in the title; this is platonic. Nothing in this book is meant to be sexual (unless I say it; and it won't be anything involving you and the collector.) or romantic. IT IS PLATONIC. PERIOD.

✦ This book will switch between your first person and the collector's. I will specify when it changes.

✧ The collector can hear/read your thoughts.

(Spoiler alert, again: we don't have the most... Family friendly thoughts. We can't control them so don't get mad at me.)

✦ I will most likely be skipping actually writing about the school days bcuz I'm lazy..

✧ In this fictional universe the demon realm and the things that happen in toh are real; AND it's a show at the same time, though the internet calls it fiction. Including Dana.

159 words not including these ones 😋

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