<CH4 - cuddles>

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apologies for not uploading!
i didnt know what to put the image as, okay..

It was 7:00PM. Usually, I wasn't tired so early. But today, was different.
I was in my room, collie was playing on my phone.

"Collector, I'm tireedd.."
"Whatt! Already? It's only 7!"
"Yeah, I know.."
"But I wanted to play more roblox :("

"Wait.. I have a question. It's kinda silly though.. "
"Ooo, what is itt?"
"Can I use your tablet as a stuffed animal? I can't sleep without hugging a stuffed animals, and I usually can't pick one."
"You-you wanna cuddle?!"
"I guess."

They seemed very excited at the idea of cuddling. I know why.. They probably haven't been held in forever, since they've been trapped in the tablet.

Yayyy!!! Y/N asked to cuddle!! I haven't cuddled in, like, 4,000 years!!
"So! So, so, so, when're you going to sleep?!"
"Probably right now."
They powered off their glowing rectangle device.

"Where's your tablet again?"
"It's in the top of your closet:)"

They reached for my tablet, knocked it down—I freaked out—but! They caught it before it could break :D
They brought the tablet back to their bed. I'm sooo excited to cuddle!! :DD

"Can I cover you with the blanket, orr?"
"Yeah, you can, but you can't see me until you uncover it!"
"Okay, goodnight, collector! Sweet Dreams!"

They dont know I don't have dreams. But that's fine! I still like the idea :)
They covered the tablet with the blanket.

... I can feel the cuddles...

.... y/n is good at cuddling:D
I can't wait for hugs when I get freeee!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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