First day moving in

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A little while after i was done unpacking (like about 4-5ish hours) I sat on my bed reading my favorite book. After a while i hear my mom call out "Y/N! Dear, come here for a second" *sigh* as i got up and barely make it down the hall *mind: man i was getting to the good part of the book..* "yeah, whatsu-" "be a dear and get the door." She smiled "okayyy" I opened the door to see a girl/guy with a mask over the face, light blue hair, not that tall.  "hey, how ma-" before i could get another word out of my mouth he spoke, i dont think it was to be rude though. " name is Sally Face, i just moved in with my dad." "....My name is Y/N. Nice to meet ya Sal." After that I let him in my room. And he was a nice guy. We hung out most of the day laughing and just goofing around, turns out he was a freshman just like me. "Hey, wanna go and check out the place?" "Hmm? Oh, uh, sure" his mask lifted a bit and i saw a slight smile from him, but there was something under the mask as well. Like a scar, a cool one but i dont thi- "hey, you coming?" "Hm? Oh, yeah. Sorry i got stuck in my mind.." "Agian" he chuckled as we walk out the door. On the way to the elevator he handed me a gameboy, "here, I, this will help with the boredness." He breathed. I smile. After a little bit we arrived and I handed back the gameboy. And he pressed the number 4 and there was a police man standing in the way "Hello" sally said nicely "why are you standing here?"
Police: " Im protecting nosy little Freaks Like You from saying what they ought not to see, now scram. I dont get paid to babysit." The man spat out. I just stared at him disgustingly.

Sally Face: "who are you?"
Police: " I'm your fairy fucking godmother...What does it look like? I'm an officer of the law, so you better show me some respect."
Sally face: "what happened in that room?"
Police: " police business, kid. Why don't you run along back to your parents?"
Sally Face: "...I wish i could..."
Police: "What was that, wise ass?"
Sally Face: "nothing..." He said with a cold expression. I could hear he was almost tearing up.
Police: "Thats what i thought. Stupid, weirdo kid...grumble, grumble"
Me and sally walk away, but before i did i flipped him the bird (middle finger) He yelled and we ran to the elevator laughing and wheezing we then went to floor 5. I looked over and read the sighn " notice this floor is currently being renovated for your safety please make your way to the nearest exit." We both looked at each other "Naaaahhh." We both said. We tried to open door 503...but its locked. Then we tried the door 504 and it opened....

Y/n sally face: "Hello?"
Sally Face: " sorry, I didn't think anyone lived up here. Hello? Sir? Are you okay?"
???: " you shouldn't have come here."
Y/n:" well we're sorry, we were just trying to get to know our neighbors and-"
???: " a dark place. This building. Horrible things happen."
Sally Face: " are you sure you're okay?"
I gave him a quick look some noise came from the other direction when we looked over there and looked back the guy was gone. "What the..." we looked around the house to find the guy again, but we didn't find him we found a place that was voted off and tried to go in the bathroom but " if that's weird, the bathroom door is locked." We quickly went out of there we tried to go into 502 but the door was locked we then looked at the door that had no number but I looked on the floor and it said 501. And it was locked. Nothing else was there so we left. We went to the elevator and pressed the number three. " man, wasn't that strange?" " right and it was so Random too." We both chuckled in once the elevator door opened we went out the caution wet floor sign was in the way though. So we want another root. Silly face tried to knock on the door 302, but no one was home. I then saw lisa, the girl from before
Sally face: " hey."
Lisa: " oh my! Sorry, you just started me a little. You must be one of the new guys from 402, yeah? With all the excitement going on today, I haven't had a chance to stop it and say hi. Hey Y/n." She smiled
Sally face: " yeah, it's just me and my dad. My name is sal."
Lisa: " pleasure to meet you sal, I'm lisa. I take care of this place. Keep things up and running. So if you ever need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask, okay? This goes to you too Y/N. "
Both (sally face and y/n): " sure, thanks."
Lisa: " you're both quite welcome."
We both walked out and went to the elevator and pressed the number too. We walked out and knocked on the door 203. But bo one was home. Then 204.
Charley: " yeah? Who's there?"
Both: " hello we're new in the building. And just wanted to introduce ourselves to the neighbors."
Charley: " okay, come in."
Both: " hey I'm y/n and I'm Sal. I just moved in with my dad, and I moved in with my mom."
Charley: " what the hell is with your face, child?"
*y/ns mind: a bit rude, but okay."*
Charley: " oh I know young teens a new generation of self-expression I was young once myself I get it, just so long as you're not in a gang or anything. You're not a gang are you?"
Sally Face: " no no, nothing like that."
Charley: " wonderful well I'm Charlie don't mess with my stuff and will be okay I'm a collector you see I collect many things. These things are like my family so if you mess with my collections you're messing with my family got it?"
Both: " yes sir not a problem I won't be giving you any troubles."
Charley: " good to hear!"
Sally face: "sooo..."
Charley: " yep I know your speechless because you've never seen such an awesome collection"
Sally face: "yeeaahhh."
Charley: " don't worry anytime I'm home you can stop by and take it all in again."
Y/n: " nice place you got."
Charley: " it's my own chunk of Heaven just me and my stuff."
Sally: " do you live alone?"
Charley: " Alone look around you I have all the company I'll ever need... it is nice to have a visitor.. or two from time to time I suppose..."
Y/n: " heh, will be right back.."
Charley: " I know it's a great set of glitter ponies but don't you even dare pick it up touching it them."
Sally face:" what's a glitter poney?"
Charley: " my God child, have you never seen my glitter ponies rainbow spectacular it's only the greatest television show ever produced! It's got drama action romance comedy everything you could ever want! And the ponies, oh the ponies! Don't even get me started mmm yeah..."
Y/n: " .. I guess I missed that one. I'll have to look for it on tv."
Charley: " yes you will! Trust me, you won't regret it."
As we walk out and shut the door " dude that was so creepy." " I know right Sal." We tried out the other doors but they were all locked 201 we knocked no one answered but we could hear these weird sheep noises and sawing noises all of that but no one answered. "Hmm... I guess no obes home." I shrug and we left. We went to the door 103 and there was a weird people through it if I answered his name was Mr Anderson I can see a lot except for a black room and brown eyes?
Mr addison: " oh dear! What a frightful-uh- pardon me. Let's start over. Hello, young sir, young y/n. New residents of Addison Apartments room 402 and 400 how may I be of service?"
Sally face: " how do you know who we are?"
Addison: " I know all that takes place within these walls sir. You'll do good to remember that."
Sally face: " can we come in?"
Addison: " heaven snow. I'm afraid of that I'm quite particular about my privacy. I'm sure you'll understand."
Both: " yeah."
Y/n: " goodbye Mr. Addison.
Addison: " farewell, friends."
               TIME SKIP
We met another police officer except for this one was bald he was wearing a suit and he had brown pants and black shoes and he had a pen and a Notepad.
Sally face: " what's going on?"
Police 2: " hello young man, y/n... you just moved in today, correct? Both of you??"
Both: " yes sir."
Police 2: " I already spoke with your father, seems you two were out of state when everything happened last night. And y/n...sorry for the first impression here. But storage checks out, that's good. Try not to get on our way for now okay? We're investigating a serious crime." Sally turned to me as i looked away.
Sally face: " was it murder?"
Police 2: " I can't talk about that."
Both: " bye..."
Police 2: " so long
We walked away and then knocked on 101 a lady came out purple hair and her bra and underwear seems like looks really sickly she had green skin.
Mirs. Gibbson: " yeah what do you want a little early for trick or treat yeah? Stupid good for nothing kids. Grumble, crumble. " she said very rudely and very sarcastically. Then she happened to slide the door in our faces.
                   TIME SKIP (when Sal get the key- SIKE

Sal: " how long have you been working here?"
Lisa: " actually, I don't just work here, I live here too. I'm on call 24/7 for any urgent maintenance needs. Despite what you hear from others, this is a lovely building. I'm happy to call it home, going on 10 years now!"
Sal: " what do others say about the building?
Lisa: " oh all kinds of stuff I'm sure.. this bill that is well over 100 years old, you know? People are always complaining about one thing or another. But you'll hear no complaints from me! I'm a woman of action. If I see a problem I fix it."
Sal: " yeah most people do seem to complain a lot about the small things."
Lisa: " You Can't Sweat the Small stuff, sal it's just no way to live you know?"
Sal: " your right."
Lisa: " take it from me, you focus on the good stuff. Focus on what makes you happy in life. But your energy into that."
Sal looked around, changing the subject.
Sal: " so, do you know anything about what happened in 403?"
Lisa: " it's a shame you and y/n had this crummy first impression. I promise things are typically so gruesome around here.. poor Miss Sanderson."
Sal: " whos MS sanderson?"
Lisa: " oh never mind that. Besides let's not to set your mind on such Dreadful thing"
Sal: " is there anything to do for fun around here?"
Lisa: " you know what? I have a second round at your age. I think you two would get along great! He's downstairs in our apartment, you should go introduce yourself!"
Both: " sure, well go say hi "
Lisa: " great! His name us larry! He'll be in the basement. Tell him I sent you down, you'll need a key card to access it from the elevator though here take this one, ive got a few extras."
Sal: " cool, thanks!"
Sal: " is this building haunted?"
Lisa: "sal, sweetie I've been taking care of the Addison's apartments for a long time and I've never seen any ghosts or goblins that's just people's overactive imaginations too much sweets and scary movies if you ask me."
Sally: " see ya"
Lisa: " See you two around!"
We've been sprinted towards the elevator racing each other of course I won though. And we headed down to the basement. We saw the vending machine then we went to the washer and dryer we checked it around before we went to the room where Larry was. When we finally went in we saw a sign that said keep out so we knocked on the door. I felt like there were battlefields in my stomach and that's what he said-


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