The Betrayal and Loss

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Sasuke's POV

I took after the Sand Ninja, intent on stopping them and finishing my opponent entirely. Genma had instructed me to be ready as this is not a match with rules anymore. I was catching up with them when suddenly the one that Ru has a crush on. "I'll stay and distract him. You get Gaara somewhere safe and patch him up." He says to the girl.

"Kankuro, are you sure?" She asks stupidly. "Get out of here! I can take care of him myself." He says, she nods and takes off, I seethe at the man in front of me. She'll never forgive him for this. I look at him and smirk. I was about to speak until I was thrown right behind him a couple branches ahead. I spun around and saw Ru, my sister, very angry.

"Sasuke, you were tasked with following the Jinchuriki, get going. I'll handle cat boy." She says, sneering at the boy in front of her. I nodded before turning to follow the other two. "Finish him quickly then follow behind me." I say before jumping off.

Kerusha's POV

I stare at the boy I'd begun to have feelings for over the past month. Completely forgetting it all and seeing only an enemy in front of me. "You lied to me. About everything. Why spend so much time with me if all you planned to do was help destroy my home?" I ask bewildered and betrayed. I was beyond upset. I shared my past, my pain, everything, and he was just using me the whole time.

I activated my Sharingan and opened my eyes. Looking him dead in the eye. "Mangekyo Sharingan!" I activated the skill Itachi taught me before he left. I never knew I possessed it. Evidently, it happened the last time we were with Shisui, I don't remember much about that day. But, according to Lord 3rd, it is for my safety and the villages.

I quickly shake off the memories of my other brother and focus on the man in front of me. Placing him under my Genjutsu. "You will live everything i did, and then you'll live go thru a true fight against Shino Aburame. He's right behind me, waiting for the Genjustu to break. Enjoy being broken." I say as he falls under it, not realizing he shouldn't have made eye contact.

I nodded back to Shino and jumped after Sasuke. Sensing the presence of 4 familiar Chakras, i stopped on a branch and waited. Not long after, Pakuun, Sakura, Naruto, and Shika popped onto the branch next to me. we didn't wait as we took off after Sasuke. knowing what we had to do. Temari hid Gaara off ahead trying to fight Sasuke, instead Shika stepped up to the plate. He knew Sasuke had unfinished business with Gaara to be handled. I jumped off behind Sasuke with Sakura and Naruto hot on my heels. Pakuun was trailing behind a bit. no doubt informing Kakashi about everything that's going on, from mine and Shino's arrival to Shika engaging the enemy. We caught up to Sasuke to find him and Gaara battling already. Gaara was half transformed into the Shukaku already.

I stopped and waited for the other 3 to catch up with me, not looking to getting involved alone. I clenched my teeth worried about my younger brother but also, worried for Kuro's little brother, he sounded like he was in massive pain. I can't think like that...He lied; he doesn't care anyways. I watched on as Gaara put a hole thru a tree Sasuke was hiding behind. I clenched my fists at my side fighting every alarm in my brain telling me to protect my little brother. I watched on, worrying less as i saw the Chidori appear in Sasuke's hand. Be careful Nee-chan... I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, something was happening. my clone hasn't returned yet, so Kakashi and Gai are fine, I just can't shake this feeling of unease and... grief? I don't understand. I look back to my brother and Gaara as he begins to laugh maniacally. He's insane. 

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