Choosing My Own Path

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Kerusha's POV

As I left the hospital room, I contemplated what Kankuro suggested, a fresh start in a way, as an Uchiha, more training, a new revenue of training. Maybe even new training, maybe it is a good idea. Let's just hope Lady Hokage sees it that way as well. I continue overthinking as I approach Lady Hokage's door. I trip over something, or rather, someone. I look down to see my only remaining brother sitting there, probably trying to find a way to brief Lady Hokage. "Hey, kiddo, I got this; you can head home." I say to him, rubbing his back as I help him stand up. He looks at me with that look that says, "Nice try, I'm coming with you." Gotta love siblings sometimes.

"Alright then." I say as I knock on her Lady's door, I hear a muffled come in before I push the door open, forcing my brother in ahead of me. "Lady Hokage, I am here to report our mission as failed. We failed to apprehend Sasuke Uchiha, and I failed to terminate him in the event that he refused to come back, I'm sorry, Lady Hokage." I say this swiftly as I bow my head to her, ignoring Shika's persistent questioning stare at my words about terminating Sasuke.

"Ms. Nara, look at me, please." Oh no, I'm in for it. I think to myself as I slowly raise my head to look at her. "It's ok if you failed. You and the others should take some time to trin and complete missions while we rebuild our alliance and the village." I nod in agreement as she talks. "That is all Ms. and Mr. Nara, dismissed." Yes, Lady. We responded in unison; I stood up straight while Shika walked to the door. It's now or never.

"Actually, M'Lady, I'd like to speak to you privately if that's ok?" I say nervously, looking at Shika. He simply nods as he leaves, and Lady Tsunade nods as well. I smooth out my hair and take a deep breath as I prepare for what I'm about to ask. "M'Lady, I'd like to request temporary citizenship in the Sand Village." I say quickly, clamping my mouth shut as she seems to contemplate her next words carefully.

"What's brought this on all of a sudden? And how am I supposed to just allow this when we have not one but two rogue Uchiha's? I need you close." I close my eyes and exhale slowly, doing my best to stay calm as Asuma and Jiraiya Sensei taught me. "Ma'am, I understand your forthcomings, and I see your position. But I am not going rogue. I will be helping rebuild our alliance with the Sand as well as helping them recover from the loss of their Kazekage who has yet to be named while we've sworn in another Hokage already. My family is at risk with me here with Orochimaru wanting both Uchiha's he thinks my father was an Uchiha and wants me too, I won't let him find out the truth because he finds me around Shika or my dad." I say this adamantly pleading with her for her to understand.

I sigh and run my hand thru my hair. "In any case Kankuro, one of the three children of the Fourth Kazekage, has assured me that he and his siblings would have my back and be by my side at all times as well as making sure I'm keeping up with my training and learning new things on top of that." I say reassuringly, doing everything I can to convince her. She sighs and folds her hands in front of her face the same way the old man did, I feel a tug in my heart at the thought of Lord Third.

"Fine Kerusha, from this point on, you may travel to the Hidden Sand Village in Sunagakure under the alias Ru Uchiha. Assist the Sand in any way they see fit and send back weekly reports." Lady Tsunade finally says to me as she dismisses me. "Thank you, M'Lady, you won't regret this, I promise." I say as I leave the office, I see Shika as soon as I leave the room. I stare at him as he looks back at me, arms crossed across his chest whilst he scowls at me. Furious, I didn't discuss my decision with him first, no doubt.

"Were you just gonna tell me right before you left instead of consulting me? Or even, I don't know our Dad?" He says, berating me as he feels the anger of the failure of the mission as well as anger at my decision. I look at him with a blank face and pat him on his head as I tell him; "Shika I was going to find you as soon as I left here, I don't have to track you down though since you eavesdropped on my personal conversation with the Hokage." I say, scolding him. He groans and rolls his eyes as he hugs me tightly. "Just tell dad soon, and write, don't forget about us, we love you, all three of us. Me most of all though sis, please come back to me." I squeeze him tightly as I mutter to him. "I promise. Always and forever, right?" He nods into my shoulder and squeezes me tighter before he releases me, signaling I need to go tell dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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