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Man, where is this fuck ass place?

"Good morning, Ms. I know you can help me. I'm looking for someone who helped me some weeks back. Two to be exact. She's about my age. Maybe a bit younger. I believe she works here with you. She helped me. And I wanted to thank her."

The lady he spoke to listened, nodded, and told him to hold on one second and disappeared behind the same wall that the girl had disappeared behind the last time he was here.

He waited for some time, reading and re-reading the laminated papers and flyers displayed underneath the plexy glass on the counter before him.

"Hi, brochure baby!" a small yelp voice spoke as he finished reading the same flyer once more, looking up, he too smiled, because there she was his helper, before either could speak again he had pulled her from around the counter separating them and into a tight embrace, thanking her as they stood there hugging.

She had reassured him that it was no big deal as she rubbed his back, soothing him, his grip getting tighter with each pass of her hand, he found himself dampening the base of her neck, showing his gratitude through soaked-filled kisses as he couldn't fathom another way to express his gratitude, he was back in school and it was all due to her.

"Thank you again,"

She smiled as she rubbed his shoulders as they stood apart,

"If you want, I can show you your classes, especially since we have the same ones."

He smiled as he nodded,

"I would love that."

And just like before, she helped him once again.

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