Cheating (Bechloe)

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Beca lies on her bed with her head in the pillow crying her eyes out. She caught Jesse cheating on her. Out of everyone why did it have to be Benji. Beca didn't know Jesse was gay. She thought to herself about why Jesse went out with her. Did he only go out with her to get over his roommate Benji?
There is a knock at the door. Beca assumes it's Jesse and shouts "get lost Jesse. I don't want to see you again". When the knocking continues she sobs even harder. She tries to ignore the knocking. The knocking suddenly stops. The person on the other side of the door tries to door handle and to their surprise the door wasn't locked. They walked in to Beca's room and say down on her bed next to her. It was Chloe. Chloe notices Beca crying and gets extremely worried about her. "Beca what happened? Are you okay?" Chloe asks. Beca lifts her face from her pillow and looks at Chloe. All Beca can manage to say was "it's jesse". Chloe could feel herself getting angry because he had made Beca feel this way. Chloe subconsciously feels that she needs to protect the younger brunette. Chloe has established feelings for Beca but how's not the time to tell her about the ever growing feelings she's had since they met. Chloe gets up and walks to the door. Beca says "wait Chloe don't go. Don't bother with him. He's worthless. Stay here with me for a bit please?" Chloe slowly turns and says "only if you tell me what happened". Beca nods while trying to hold back tears. Chloe goes and sits on Beca's bed next to her. Beca gets up and walks over to the bathroom. Chloe stays sitting on Beca's bed. Beca comes back from the bathroom a minute or so later. Beca sits down next to Chloe on her bed and looks at her. Beca starts to sob again. Chloe pulls her in for a hug. Usually Beca objects to this but this time she hugs Chloe back while sobbing harder into her shoulder. After the finish hugging Chloe looks at Beca and says "What happened Beca? You can tell me and get it all off your chest. I'm here for that". Beca takes a deep breath and says "I found Jesse cheating on me. I was surprised about it. I didn't know he had feelings for someone else while he was in a relationship with me. I know I had feelings for someone else during it but I never once acted on the feelings when I could have done it so easily". Beca starts to sob again. Chloe pulls her in for another hug. Chloe then asks "who was it her cheated on you if you don't mind me asking?" Beca says angrily "Benji Fucking Applebaum". Chloe starts to get furious again. "I didn't know he was gay. I'm so sorry to hear about this Beca. Is there anything I can do to help you because I want to stick by your side they whole way" Chloe says. Beca starts to sob again. She says "I could easily of cheated on him, but I didn't because I loved him. Or at least I thought I did. And anyone if I had cheated on him not only would I of lost him but I would of lost a close friend and I can't lose both". A million different thoughts go through Chloe's head. She thinks of who is close to Beca. There's only 3 people in total. There is Jesse, it most definitely isn't him, fat Amy and it's possible it's her and then it leaves me. Chloe goes silent. She finally builds the courage to ask "who would you of cheated on him with? I understand if you don't want to answer but I could help you get together with them because I know a lot of people".
Beca hesitates and looks Chloe in the eyes. Beca states into the beautiful blue eyes that Chloe has. She takes Chloe's hands in her own and says "I want to tell you but you will act weird and I don't want that to happen. Your one of the only people I have let in to my life and I don't want to lose it". Chloe feels her heard starting to race. "I promise I won't act weird or tell anyone Beca. And also you didn't get a choice about me entering you're life, I made it happen" Chloe says, the last part she giggles at. She even gets small smile from Beca. Beca takes another deep breath and says "I'm sorry Chlo but it's you and I've tried my hardest to put these feelings behind my but I just can't and please don't hate me. I don't want to lose you as a frie--" Beca gets cut off in the middle of speaking by Chloe cupping her face with her hands and pulling her in for a gentle kiss. Beca is shocked but kisses back. The kiss is slow and only lasts amour 15 seconds. Chloe and Beca both pull apart and place their foreheads against each other's. Chloe opens her eyes and looks into Beca's and says "You will never lose me Beca. I'm here to stay no matter what you do or say to me. Once I'm here it's hard to shake me". They just look into each other's eyes and start to giggle. Chloe pulls Beca in for another kiss but this time it is more passionate. They are both still sitting on Beca's bed. Beca feels her hands explore the hem of Chloe's shirt while the kiss gets deepened. Chloe slides her tongue along Beca's bottom lip requesting for access. Beca allows it while starting to lift Chloe's top. They stop to take a breath and before Beca knows it Chloe has pinned her down on her back. Chloe positions herself sitting on Beca's thighs. Beca's hands still tugging at the hem of the shirt. Chloe leans down and starts to kiss Beca deeply. Beca's hands roam Chloe's back and sides while making their way under her shirt. Chloe moans in pleasure while Beca traces soft, lift circles on her skin. Chloe trails kisses round Beca's jawline and on her neck. Beca lifts Chloe's shirt right up so that it has to come off. Chloe obliges and takes her shirt off. Beca lies and stares at Chloe's hot and toned body. Chloe says "yours, off as well". She winks seductively. Beca has her shirt off in no time. Chloe kisses Beca quickly but soft. She moves her body so that she has better access to Beca. She grabs Beca's arms and pin them down about her head so Beca can't try and take control. She kisses her way down to Beca's stomach and then to the waist of her jeans. Beca can feel herself getting aroused. Chloe moves back up to Beca's lips and gives her a small kiss. Beca can feel Chloe's hot breath on her skin. Chloe leans back down to kiss her passionately yet again but is stopped but the door opening. Beca looks as if she sees a ghost. It was Beca's dad. He didn't know that her and Jesse broke up. Chloe rolls off of Beca and covers her body with a pillow from Beca's bed. Beca quickly covers her self with a blanket. Her dad angrily stares at them and says "What the hell Beca!"
All Beca can manage to says is "I can expain..."

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