Chapter 1

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Italics mean speaking in their Native language, Xhosa or Maya.
Bolded Italics mean a mocking manner.
Please help me with the translations. I don't know any of languages.
If you know more of the culture, please help me out. Cause I am Caribbean, and don't much about South Africa, sorry.

-read the tags
-this story will have unhappy moments to happy moments.
-focus will somewhat focus on Shuri narrating but passing the baton to another.
-Sorry if the format is weird
-Avaible on Wattpad, under the same username

Enjoy this, and I accept criticism and recommendation. Please tell me if there are in mistakes or if you feel something is missing or in the wrong place.


Days passed and Shuri worked hard to make things right with Riri. She spent more time with Safiya, making up for the weeks she had neglected her daughter. She also apologized to Riri and promised to be a better lover to her.

Riri gradually opened up to her, and they started to spend more time together as a family. Shuri felt grateful for Riri's forgiveness and knew that she needed to work harder to make things right.

Sya was making leaps and bounds in her development, now three months old. She had even begun to show signs of growth, with the faintest hint of a smile and gentle giggle.

Shuri couldn't help but smile as she watched Safiya coo and played with her hands. It was moments like these that made it all worth it.

As Safiya grew, Shuri began to notice a change in herself. She no longer felt weighed down by the guilt and shame of her past. Instead, she felt a sense of hope and a desire to do better.

"Shuri?" Riri asked as she strolled around the corner into their room.

"Yes?" Shuri replied, gesturing to their infant who was clutching her fingertip. Riri grinned as she moved closer to Shuri. Shuri gave RIri a quick look before offering Sya to her.

"Ohh, how's my little dove?" Riri crooned, pressing the baby's face against hers.

"Dove?" Shuri inquired in response to the new nickname.

"Dear love. That's what it stands for, baby." Riri said, her voice oozing fondness as the last word slipped out of her lips. Shuri felt a flush rise to her cheeks at the term of endearment. "Aww, I want another one. How would you like to have a sibling, dovie?" Riri crooned to the baby, spinning around with a smile.

Shuri glanced at the smiling Riri with a skeptical expression, unsure if she should take Riri's words seriously. She then decided to take Riri's words seriously and rose from her seat, planting a kiss on each of Riri's cheeks before heading off to her laboratory.

Shuri started to tinker with the idea of creating man-made sperm that could spread her genetic material. Her plan was to manufacture a batch of it, so if they were ever ready for having a baby it would have both of their genes. The main obstacle would be figuring out how to insert it into Riri ; Shuri's issues kept them from going there yet and Riri always respected Shuri's boundaries. Maybe Shuri was ready to go there with Riri.

As she worked, Shuri felt a sense of excitement and nervousness building inside of her. She knew that creating man-made sperm was a risky endeavor, but the thought of having a child with Riri was too tempting to resist.

For the next few weeks, she poured all of her energy and focus into her work, tirelessly researching and experimenting until she finally had a breakthrough. The formula she had created was perfect - it would allow her to create man-made sperm that could carry her genetic material and be used to conceive a child with Riri.

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