Chapter 10

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Italics mean speaking in their Native language, Xhosa or Maya.
Bolded Italics mean a mocking manner.
Please help me with the translations. I don't know any of languages.
If you know more of the culture, please help me out. Cause I am Caribbean, and don't much about South Africa, sorry

-read the tags
-this story will have unhappy moments to happy moments.
-the focus will somewhat focus on Shuri narrating but passing the baton to another.
-Sorry if the format is weird
-Available on Wattpad, under the same username


Two more days passed until a box was sent to Wakanda. Shuri knew what was inside of it by how many dead bodies/heads but she didn't know who. The King's guard plus two Dora Milaje were sent to retrieve the box. Shuri wasn't allowed to see the body until the body was sent to the DNA lab for testing.

Shuri's heart pounded with fear and dread. She knew that Riri was possibly dead, but she refused to accept it until she saw the evidence with her own eyes.

She paced back and forth in her room, her mind racing with thoughts of all the things that could have happened to her wife. She couldn't bear the thought of losing her, not after all they had been through together.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the DNA results came back. Shuri knew that only a selected few.knew the results, and was waiting for him to call for her.

When the call finally came, Shuri took a deep breath and braced herself for the worst. She made her way to the throne room door, taking a deep breath before opening the doors. Her eyes quickly scanned the room as she saw Nakia, Okoye, Ayo, and Aneka who had sad looks on her face.

As she walked further into the room, a frown spread across her face. She softly choked back tears when Nakia's soft eyes met hers. Shuri sniffled as her eyes snapped away from Nakia's, "Don't tell me my wife is dead." Shuri said, her voice breaking as she took a step back.

"Shuri," M'Baku said, his voice low. "I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but the body that was found in that box belonged to Riri." Shuri felt a pain in her chest as the reality of the situation hit her. She had lost her wife, her partner, her soulmate.

Shuri feels so much pain... such deep, heartbreaking pain... the kind of pain that a person just can't take. And then she was finally at her breaking point as she collapsed to the ground and let out the longest and most heartbreaking sound a person could ever make... a wailing cry of pure... pure suffering. She couldn't stop the sobs that wracked her body as she wept. Nothing but anguish, sorrow and misery seemed to fill her world. "I didn't get to apologize, I didn't get to apologize." Shuri repeated over an over again as she remembered her and Ri fighting before Riri went missing.

The room was quiet as Shuri cried, her emotions overwhelming her. She could feel the eyes of her friends on her, their sympathy and concern palpable. The guilt, the regret, the pain, it all felt like too much to bear.

Nakia knelt down beside her, placing a gentle hand on her back. "Shuri, it's okay to grieve. Let it out," she said softly.

Shuri shook her head, her tears flowing freely. "I didn't mean it, Nakia. I didn't mean any of it," she sobbed. "I wish I could take it all back."

Nakia pulled her into a tight embrace, holding Shuri as she cried. "I know, Shuri. I know," she whispered. Okoye and M'Baku followed Nakia's actions, wrapping their arms around Shuri as she cried. Soon Ayo and Aneka joined, trying to give comfort.

Shuri sobbed for what seemed to be an eternity. Every breath felt like a struggle, every moment an eternity of despair. Unconsciousness didn't come to provide solace; her only course of action was to endure the pain of knowing her wife had died.

You for Me-Sequel to Unwavering BondWhere stories live. Discover now