Chapter 8

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Theirs were not conventional jobs - flexible hours that initially allowed for quality time together in the summers, usually at the old Silver cabin that David couldn't fathom selling.

That was before; before Madeline's summer camps, Donna's increased summer workload, the Silver kids' various summer programs, David's financial troubles as he unsuccessfully fought to give his family the lifestyle that would satisfy the aged Felice Martin.

Summers had become rather lonely once they had hit their mid-thirties.

In the new lazy days of summer nineteen hundred and ninety-one, the gang hung out as much as humanly possible.

Steve played football on the beach, began dating Stacey Jacobson, and talked about becoming a lifeguard. Kelly held a permanent glare on both Steve and Stacey, working on her tan as she pretended to the other girls that she didn't care one iota what Steve did or didn't do. Attempting nonchalance about Stacey's new relationship, Brandon started talking to Kelly more, which Dylan noticed Stacey quickly picked up on.

As July drew to a close and August arrived, the four individuals involved in the summer drama class were seen less and less. Dylan offered Brenda frequent rides home, just so that he could spend a bit of time with her before curfew ended her day.

He hadn't anticipated sharing Brenda with rehearsals whilst they were still teenagers. He had, however, become accustomed to doing so in London and therefore handled Brenda's hectic schedule quite well.

The main issue was Reina.

Brenda saw Reina for hours at a time on every day of the week, which Dylan had to constantly remind himself was due solely to their amount of rehearsals. Chris Suiter had increased those tenfold after talk spread from elite family to elite family that Emilio Reina would be a lead in a summer production, alongside Jim Walsh's daughter; Jim Walsh, is that the new accountant handling Andy's finances? The one who moved from Minnesota?

Yes, that's the one. Donna Martin will also be in the production.

Little Donna Martin, Felice's daughter? Does Felice know her daughter will be in a performance? I honestly never believed she allowed her out of the house.

It is a shock; isn't it?

Dylan had carried on with his shopping, ducking out of the gossiping women's view before they could see him and turn their attention to Oh dear, there's Jack's son. What a pity such a lovely boy became a delinquent.

Dammit. They had seen him anyway.

A delinquent?

Oh, Marilyn, didn't you hear of the time Dylan McKay stole a car?

Not at all, Evelyn. Do tell.

None of it was ever true, but after years of the same idle gossip, he thought it unimportant to correct.

And his mother. Marilyn, wait until you hear about his mother. Iris McKay has truly gone off of her rocker.

Dylan spun on his heel.

"What do you have to say about my mother?" he barked.

The woman he assumed to be Marilyn withered under his bristling stare.

Not to be called out, Evelyn asked how Jack fared.

"How do you think he fares?" said Dylan. "Must be better than my mother who - what was that you said? Has gone off her rocker?"

"Iris McKay, living on a pineapple mountain? Convening with the spirits? They have a word for that, you know," said Evelyn haughtily.

"They also have a word for someone like you."

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