"...You're different"

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"Noah sweetheart, time to get up for school" mrs. Willis said waking up the teen

Noah mumbled a good morning and lifted her head up looking at her clock. 6:10 A.M the clock read, she sighed and sat up. The girl went to her suit case, to lazy and to tired to actually put her clothes away. She grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, a random band shirt and a flannel. Her feet dragged across the room to her bathroom, she looked at herself and cringed. The teen applied a little of makeup to cover any bumps and red marks, Noah didn't like a lot of makeup but it covered her tiredness and that's all that mattered.

After doing her make up and brushing her hair Noah made her way to the kitchen. "My lovelies" she said to herself as she opened the fridge.

"Are you talking to food again?" Mr.willis asked laughing as he sipped his coffee also getting ready.

"pshhhhhh" Noah said nervously grabbing some grapes and shutting the fridge door.

"What are you talking about" she asked trying to play cool.

"You are your mothers daughter" her dad said laughing

"I'm also 50 percent you so haaaa" Noah said grabbing her backpack and running to the door before her father made a comeback.


Noah walked to school, she didn't have a car or any friends to pick her up and she didn't wanna skate board to school so all she could do was walk. She looked up at the school and sighed, she was going to be the new girl, she didn't know anyone, she was going to be a freak from a different country.

She walked in the school looking at the students, everyone was with a friend or standing by their locker. She walked up to the main office looking around and waiting for a office lady to see her.

"Oh well hello there" a middle aged woman with the name tag that read Mrs.Wilson said

"Hello, I'm Noah Willis I'm new" Noah replied smiling trying not to be too shy

"Oh your accent you're American aren't you?" The office lady said grabbing some books and Schedule handing them to Noah.

"Yeah.." She said looking over the paper

"Well your first period is Mrs. Hemmings she's your algebra teacher, she's the first room on the left" miss. Wilson said waving and smiling the student off.

Noah nodded her head and walked to class. "Algebra....ew" she thought to herself.

The hazel eyed girl stared at the door that was in front of her. Nervousness filled her body along with a pinch of awkwardness.
She could go back right? Go back home and make up some accuse to why she couldn't attend school. The brunette rolled her eyes and opened the door. "The gates of hell have been open" she thought.

Noah stood by the door looking around, the room was filled besides a few seats scattered around the room.
  "Oh! Hello there!"
Noah turned her head to the voice, a small smile was formed on her face to show politeness to her teacher.
"You must be the transfer student, I'm Mrs.Hemmings you're algebra and also home room teacher." Mrs Hemmings said.
The teacher was middle aged, not to young not to old either. Her hair was blonde showing no sign of aging and had bright blue eyes.

"I'm Noah Willis, it's a pleasure to meet you." Noah said while fidgeting with the papers in her hand.

"Well Noah you may take a seat where ever." Mrs Hemmings smiled and went to her desk and started explaining equations.

Noah walked to the back of the class and took a seat in the corner. Her eyes scanned the room like a hawk. Who would make a perfect friend? She looked to the other corner and went wide eyed. He was here, Michael the boy from yesterday. His head turned to the side and looked at Noah, his green eyes rolled so carelessly. The girl blushed in embarrassment, he just caught her looking at him! Oh god she was going to be called a creep or stalker now she just knew it.

She face palmed and sighed, she just had to be born awkward didn't she?

"Hey new girl" a mysterious voice said

Noah jumped and looked to her right, there sat a boy with dark brown hair, tan skin and Asian looking eyes.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" She said placing a hand over her heart to feel it.

The boy laughed and smiled "I'm calum"
Calum looked at her with an intense stare, "speak again" he demanded.
"What?!" She asked furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

His eyes lit up and a bigger smile formed on his face.
"Your voice...you're different!"
"No duh, I'm American"

||well it's been awhile, but I'm back! This chapter is massively longer than the others and I'm going to try to keep them at this size or longer. But I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I'll try to update tonight or tomorrow! Bye xx||

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