Chapter 20 (Atlas): How I See You

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***TW for body shaming language***

Joy and I were working in the kitchen, prepping for dinner on a Saturday night, when she slammed a metal bowl down on the counter. When I turned to look at her, the light of battle blazed in her gorgeous eyes.

"What price did you pay Beard three weeks ago to bribe him into letting you keep working in the kitchen?"

Ask me any question but that, Joy. Well...maybe there's one other question I don't want you to ask.

The day Beard had told me I was done in the kitchen, I panicked. I could be around her in the kitchen, and even if we barely talked, I was still around her, able to sneak glances at my Joy while her back was turned. Now that her college algebra class was finished, it was the only chance I had to be around her and not have her make up some excuse to leave my presence.

"It's fine," I said. "I don't mind, and I know enough now that I can really help Joy. You bring someone else in and she's just going to have spend more time training someone new."

Beard had given me a long look. "That's some line of bullshit you're trying to feed me, Atlas, and I know you know I wasn't born yesterday. "

I didn't say anything because he was right, but my mind was scrambling. "Name your price. Whatever. Just let me stay on kitchen detail."

Not saying anything, Beard shot off a text. Five minutes later, Chain walked into Beard's office. "You never had any real repercussions about ignoring my ban on Joy. Now, you will. Chain and I'll each get ten hits."

I didn't have to be a math genius to know twenty punches from these two men added up to a shit ton of pain.

"Can you leave my face alone so she doesn't ask questions?"

Beard slapped his hand against my cheek. "Fair enough. We'll leave that face untouched, asshole."

"You ready?" Chain asked, cracking his knuckles.

No. "Yeah."

Beard had a deadly 1-2 combo and hit like a cement truck, while Chain just had some massive punching power because the man was built like a tank. I staggered back a few times, and once Chain hit me so hard I hit the wall two feet behind me, but I managed to stay on my feet.

"I've owed you that since you ignored my order to steer clear of Joy," Beard said again as I was trying to catch my breath.

Debt. Paid. In. Full. Holding my side, I nodded, wondering if my ribs were fractured or just bruised. 

"Stay in the kitchen for as long as you want. Unless she really starts complaining, and then I'll yank you outta there in a fucking heartbeat because I won't risk her leaving."

"Got it," I was proud I was able gasp out two words. How I was going to help with dinner, I didn't know, but I downed the maximum dosage of Advil and threw back a couple of shots before heading slowly to the kitchen.

"Are you going to answer me?" Joy was demanding.

"I'd rather not," I said. "But I will if you really want to know."

"I really do," she sassed.

I shrugged. "Beard and Chain got to beat on me for a while."

She hadn't expected me to answer so honestly, so she looked suspicious. "I never saw any bruises."

"Asked 'em to leave my face alone so you wouldn't know."

"What makes you think I'd care?" she asked, but I could see her eyes had dimmed. So she hurried on. "Why would you do that?"

The Rampage MC #3: Atlas and JoyWhere stories live. Discover now