Ch 31: Bitter

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They all sat around the fire as Neytiri sang, fingers running over the beads of the song cord in her hands.

Ayatney fiddled with her own that crossed over her chest. A black bead sat at the end, reflecting off of the fire that was lit so brightly.

"Ma Eywa, Ma Eywa..."

That night, all Ayatney could dream about was Neteyam.

The next morning had not been easy. Jake had left to speak with the Olo'eyktan and the Tsahík of the Metkayina early that morning, leaving the rest of the family to rest in the hut.

Ayatney simply laid with no intention of getting up. The sound of the rolling waves lulled her into a spaced out state, comforting her as she curled into her self to hide away from the breeze that swept by every now and then.

Where the white paint rested on her skin made her itch, scratching the paste that was dried on her chin.

Ayatney never thought of the day where she would be tied down by grief. Hell, when her parents had died, she felt more determined than ever to live another day. But now that Neteyam's dead, she didn't feel like going on anymore.

A hand gently took its place on her forearm, taking her attention. Neytiri sat next to her while she lay, giving her a comforting smile when Ayatney glanced her way.

After the funeral, Neytiri had always been sticking around. Checking up on her and whatnot. If anything, someone needed to be checking up on the mother. She had just lost her son, so why check up on his girlfriend?

Neytiri wasn't sure what to say.

Speaking to Ayatney had become harder.

While the rest of her children were out, most likely to go mourn with Tsireya and the others they had become friends with, Ayatney had stayed unmoving in her own spot in the pod.

All Neytiri could do was watch as grief consumed the young girl. Unable to help her pass through this hard time. The mother had experienced loss, in more ways than one. She understood how Ayatney felt.

But to experience such big losses and multiple at the age of sixteen, it surely took a toll on you.

Neytiri tried to think about a topic to talk about, but nothing exactly came to mind. Thankfully, she didn't have to think any longer as Ayatney decided to start conversation.

"We had only began our courting the other day." Her voice came out in a whisper, the ache in her chest snatching all of the energy she had in her being.

But Ayatney continued, "Neteyam and I had agreed to wait a little while longer before we would come tell you and Jake."

Neytiri listened, not once interrupting the girls chatter. She was a bit upset that the pair had decided to hide their courting, but she understood. Neytiri was shamed when she told her own parents of her and Jake's mating, so Ayatney had every right to feel nervous.

Ayatney told Neytiri of their date. What they did, besides the kisses they shared, and where they went. That's all they did to pass the time, talk about Neteyam. They both shared stories of moments the other hadn't heard of or seen of the boy, laughing when it was something funny.

The younger sat up now, more lively and animated as she told Neytiri about Neteyam's face as he sliced open the bellies of fish.

"He was so disturbed by how it fell out, his face was absolutely hilarious."

Silence ensued after, a soft smile forming as she thought of his face. His wonky smile with his soft shaped teeth. They weren't like his siblings where they were sharp and pointy, but rather more rounded out and the edges were smoother to the touch. Something he probably inherited from his fathers sky people genes.

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