00 | first day

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"Julia? Julia!!"

[Julia's mom shouted as Julia snapped out of her daydreaming.
Distracted by her thoughts, Julia zoned out while she was with her mom at the principal's office, her new school's principal's office. Worries consumed her mind as she's sat on the chair beside her mom while she sorts things out about Julia with her new principal] - "how will I introduce myself? what impression should i try to give? do i act nice? what if people walk all over me again? is my hair still in place?! oh god, i knew i should've put the flat iron on a higher settin-"

"Oh my god. Julia!"
"Oh, sorry mom. What's up?"
"What's wrong with you? you've been out of it all morning. Anyways, your principal here was asking what major you picked prior."
"Oh yeah, of course, sorry. I'm a biology major"
"Alright then, you're assigned to class n6 bio, it's on the second floor to the left, good luck! And here's your school ID."
"Oh, mom can keep that, i'm afraid i'll lose it. Anyways, thank you but i'd better run to class, i should get there early - you know, first impression and all. See you mom! Goodbye Ms Warner!"

I say quickly as i rush out of the office and look for the left staircase. After reaching the second floor, i see my class near the end of the hallway. There it is, n6. A new class, new people, new life.
I feel myself get more and more anxious with every step i take closer to my new class, rushingly trying to fix any detail about me that might look off, i have to - no, i need to be perfect, i need this to be perfect.
With one last deep sigh, i open my class door.
The first empty front seat i laid my eyes on, i went to. All the way on the other side of the class, it felt like eternity before I got to it. I tried to look calm walking to it, not looking anyone in the eyes, but my legs were trembling. Truthfully, I was scared - afraid, afraid that this time wouldn't be any different, afraid I'd have to go through hell again, afraid that all my efforts were in vain.

I finally sit down and place my backpack beside me, I pull out a notebook and a pen for some beginning-of-the-year notes, before I finally try to secretly take a look at my class.
.. Holy. Shit. everyone was looking at me.

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