Yami x Charlotte (19)

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It was a normal day at the black bulls hideout , some of the black bulls were on missions but Yami was chilling in the hideout smoking and scrolling through his phone , he was searching for a date idea since he doesn't know any date idea but he had to find a good one that would make his princess happy , after searching he found a nice place that's relaxing and has natural vibes

Meanwhile , Charlotte was still sleeping since she's been exhausted from working all night and now it was her day off

Yami called Charlotte

After a couple of seconds Charlotte slowly opened her eyes to check who was calling , and she saw that it was her bf so she quickly sat up and cleared her throat (so she doesn't seem like a lazy person who sleeps a lot)

Charlotte respond and said : Hey Babe

Yami said : Hey sweetheart , how are you

Charlotte said I-im fine , how about you

Yami said : I'm good , so I wanted to ask you if you'd like to go to the hot springs

Charlotte heard his question and thought about it

Her imagination : in the hot springs , they were both soaking in the warm hot spring then Yami asked : Hey Sweetheart can you wash my back please

Charlotte turned red and fell silent

Yami said : Hello , are you ok

Yami asked : Do you wanna go or not

Charlotte said with a loud voice : I-IM NOT READY YETT

Yami though about it and then laughed saying : I didn't mean it like that , but if you want we can soak together

Charlotte Turned more red and she was about to end the call

But Yami said : I was just kidding , your still the awkward prickly princess that I know

Charlotte said : P-please stop

Yami said : Alright , so what do you say ?

Charlotte said : Fine I'll go

Yami said : Cool so we'll be going at 5pm

Charlotte said : That sounds good

Yami said : I'll see you later , bye

Charlotte said : Bye

*End of call*

Charlotte was so embarrassed but at the same time annoyed from him , after a couple of hours she started to get ready she packed a small bag , choose an outfit and did her makeup, after a couple of minutes the door bell rang when Charlotte was going downstairs her squad members started complimenting her and wishing her good luck , she went outside Yami greeted her and they road the carriage , after half an hour they arrived , they place looked nice full of shops and people the couple decided to explore the place.

While they were walking Charlotte noticed a cute pair of earrings but she decided not to buy it , but Yami noticed that

He asked : would you like to buy those earrings?

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