The nightmare

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I got up and looked around and only saw what I like to call the void.

It always happens at random times when I sleep but this one feels different.

ɦɛʆʆѳ kʀiร wɛʆcѳɱɛ ɓɑck tѳ tɦɛ ѵѳiɗ

That voice t-that's new I thought I was just going to be show my past and the problems that I'm having.

"W-who are y-y-you" I said with a scared tone

wɛʆʆ iɱ yѳuʀ ɳigɦtɱɑʀɛ yѳu iɗiѳt yѳuʀ รʆɛɛpiɳg

I'm confused what does my nightmare look like then I got a sense to start running from something don't know what but just to run.

wɦy ɑʀɛ yѳu ʀuɳɳiɳg yѳu kɳѳw tɦɑt wѳɳ't ɦɛʆp yѳu Բʀѳɱ tɦɛ ɑɳɗ ɗɛɱiรɛ.

I just then stop dead in my track I tried to run again but my legs just won't move.

I then turned and saw its eyes

It started to get closer and closer to me then my legs finally unfroze and I just booked it.

yѳu cɑɳ ʀuɳ ɓut i cɑɳ gɛt tѳ yѳu iɳ ɳѳ tiɱɛ รѳ i wiʆʆ ʆɛt yѳu ʀuɳ Բѳʀ รѳɱɛ tiɱɛ รѳ ɦɑѵɛ Բuɳ

As I was running it felt like I was slowing down but I was not tired.

But then the thing I did not want to see was that

 tɦiร iร ɳѳt ɱy tʀuɛ Բѳʀɱ ɓut tɦɛ tɦiɳgร tɦɑt ɦɑppɛɳ iɳ yѳuʀ ɗʀɛɑɱร i tɦѳugɦt i cѳuʆɗ uรɛ ѳɳɛ ѳԲ yѳuʀ ɱѳɳรtɛʀร Բʀѳɱ tɦɛɱ

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tɦiร iร ɳѳt ɱy tʀuɛ Բѳʀɱ ɓut tɦɛ tɦiɳgร tɦɑt ɦɑppɛɳ iɳ yѳuʀ ɗʀɛɑɱร i tɦѳugɦt i cѳuʆɗ uรɛ ѳɳɛ ѳԲ yѳuʀ ɱѳɳรtɛʀร Բʀѳɱ tɦɛɱ

I was frozen it then raised it arms above me and then it

I woke up screaming

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