Chapter 1

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Also I have illustrated the book myself which u can see above.
That's Sam, Fred and Tyler btw
(Tbh my Sam kind of sucks😑😁😂)

I heard my mother's soft familiar voice, calling me from downstairs. I opened my door green eyes, and looked around my room. I stared at my army green painted walls. Everything was the same, my lamp, my desk, and my toy soldiers. Yet I felt different."Tyler". Came my mom's voice again. I pulled off my blanket and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I crept down the staircase with an odd sinking feeling in my stomach. 'Why do I feel so strange?' I Pondered in my head as I glided down the last few steps. My family was sitting at the table enjoying their breakfast of cereal. Fred sat in his chair, shoving cereal in his freckled face. "Stop stuffing your mouth and greet your brother!" Father demanded, through yesterday's newspaper. He took a swig of coffee from his favorite mug.
"Good morning." Said Fred through a mouthful of frosted flakes. Fred was a redhead 11-year-old. He had sparkly blue eyes and a skinny body but a big appetite. Fred was my twin. But our brother Sam, on the other hand was short yet not that or thin. He was a quiet nine-year-old with dull blonde hair and sky blue eyes that when he wanted too, he could use to play off that adorable innocent look that got him whatever he wanted.

Our house was like every other normal house. Like siblings we fought all the time which I think was totally normal.

Fred developed an annoying but efficient way of getting me in trouble. When Fred finally realized that screaming "MOM!" At the top of his lungs when I had him pinned to the ground didn't work anymore, all he had to do was scram "I CANT BREATH!" And the whole household came to his rescue. Sam sometimes joined in our little ruff housing, but after the 'Bathroom incident' my mom quickly put a stop to our beating each other up. I wished I had listened to her though.

The old Tyler never listened like he should have. I miss the old Tyler sometimes. The old Tyler didn't have to worry about anything. Sometimes I want to scream at the old Tyler and tell him to stop being stupid and listen and stop being such a dope. I wish I could tell him to stop complaining about homework and swim practices. He didn't like veggies. Fred's annoying. None of it really matters anymore.

My mom was beautiful by the way. And she hardly ever yelled. She had bright blue eyes and a sweet smile. She smiled at me with her smile. I smiled back.

My father on the other hand was a no-nonsense kind of person. The kind of person the old Tyler wouldn't appropriate but the new Tyler needed.
"Sit down and eat your cereal Tyler," said Father, flipping the page of his newspaper.

I pulled out my special chair. We all had our own special chairs. If you were a sibling you would understand. You know, the chair each person sits at at every meal. The chair you fight tooth and claw for if your sibling try's to take it.

I pulled my chair out from under the table and sat down.

I looked at the cereal floating around in the milk.

"Hurry or you'll be late for school." said Fred, putting his dish in the sink. Another thing my no-nonsense Father made us do.

Sam (earlier stated little brother) did the same and stated.
"It's Saturday genius,"

Mother got up and began doing the dishes.

"It's Monday," Fred argued, probably knowing he was wrong, but you know how it is. He always had to be right.

"Saturday," San concluded calmly, sure he was right.





"It's Sunday," Father corrected, quite annoyed. "Now please go upstairs and change into your Sunday vests for church,"

Fred and Sam trumped up the stairs, reluctant to go to church. I slowly came up the stairs behind them.

Fred shut the door to our shared room before I could reach it and locked it. I slapped the door but he still wouldn't let me it. "Fred! Not funny!" No answer.

Rolling my eyes, I reached up and grabbed the spare key from the top of the doorframe which was out there for this exact reason.

When I walked into the room, I found Fred sulking on his bed. I went to my dresser and found my clothes already nice and folded for me.

I put on a knitted vest over a stainless white shirt. I ran across the hall to get Sam to tie my tie for me. It's weird that a nine year old can tie my tie but I cant, but I could care less.

Fred walked out of Sam's room with a freshly tied tie as I walked in.

I went into the bathroom to beaten up my reddish brown hair.

Suddenly I heard my father's strong voice. "Boys! Get into the car! It's time to go!"

I rushed down our staircase and grabbed my Bible .

Fred's hair was messy and un neat as always as he rushed down after me.

Sam came down last, with his hair the neatest as always.

We jumped into our Blue Sedan, and began the usual arguing and fighting about who was going to have to sit in the middle seat.

Finally (after much pinching and shoving) these were our seat a arrangements. Mom was in the passenger seat, dad driving, Sam on the left, Me in the middle and Fred on the right.

The car started with a churning rum. We pulled out of the driveway and into the neighborhood.

I saw a kid playing basketball in his front yard. I felt weird all over again. The feeling of adrenaline, like you know something's going to happen.

"Sam I..." suddenly I heard a horrible loud horn sound, and out of the window, a giant shape running towards us.


Glass shattering.


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