Chapter 2

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I woke with a start. I was aware of a burning, searing, sensation in my arm. I looked around, feeling comfortable other than for my arm. I was what looked like a hospital room.

I knew what a hospital room looked like because once I ate bad pizza and got food poisoning and had to go to a hospital. I only remember it being cold.

I heard the door open and shut my eyes tight for some reason I was scared. I was doing that thing little kids do, when they scrunch up there eyes because they think it makes them looked closed.

I heard heavy footfalls and smelled the strong smell of cigarette smoke. It smelled like the workers who came to our house to work on our roof once.

Just then I heard the door squeak open again. I opened my eyes a little bit, squinting even more. A tall, strict woman wearing a tight bun came into the room. I thought she looked like the teacher from Charlie Brown. She turned her pointed nose to what I know knew to the cigarette man. I heard her mutter a few unintelligible words and she shooed him out the door.

She came back over to me. "Honey, I know your awake that trick won't work on me," I was almost surprised that her voice sounded normal. I was imagining the witch from The Wizard of Oz or something.
I opened my eyes and stared up at her. Im sure I looked horrible. My face was all sweaty, and my breath smelled.
"You poor thing, that was one bad car crash you were in," The nurse told me. I wanted to tel her I was aware of that, but she looked sweetly at me and asked "Do you want anything? Like water? Or I can turn on your tv for you?" I shook my head and opened my mouth.
"Can I see my brothers?" I asked her.
"Of course darling," She said as she helped me into a wheelchair. She pushed me into a hallway. I played with the band on my wrist that said falling risk as we went along. she pushed me into a room with had glowing red letters on it. The letters were E.R. The nurse opened the door and we we're suddenly in a new hallway, full of new doors.
The nurse wheeled me into one door, three down on the left.

Fred was laying on a white bed, watching tv. Half he face was bandaged up. The other side was black and blue.
"Sup," Fred said in a small weak voice.
"Sup," I replied, "How are you feeling?" I asked him.
"Like two face from Batman,"

I smiled and shrugged. "I'm going to see Sam, you want to come?"

"No, a nurse is going to bring me lunch in a minute."

"Suit yourself," I told him.
Fred turned to watch tv again and I rolled my eyes at him.

I was wheeled into the hallway again, and taken through some different doors.

Sam was sleeping. The nurse told me I shouldn't bother him. She wheeled me out of the room again. I had noticed Sam had a bright red cast on his arm.

"Can I see my parents?" I asked her. She hesitated for a minute, then my stomach growled in hunger.

She looked relieved. Saved by the bell.

"Your hungry," she said. I already know that. I thought angrily.
"Come on we will get you something to eat," the nurse said.

After a few minutes of her pushing the wheelchair, I suddenly asked

"What happened?"

"You were in a car crash hun," The nurse replied.
"I know but..." I tired to continue.
"We're here," the nurse interrupted. I was getting fed up with her rudeness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2015 ⏰

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