Log: 17

264 13 9

Wearing shoes 2 sizes too big seemed to be the smart idea.

Some random hiker found his body, even though I specifically set it up so if a hiker or biker came they'd absolutely just blow to little bits and pieces.

Whatever. There's no evidence on it. We are trained to make SURE no evidence gets on our bodies. Well, the ones we kill. Which is 95% percent of them.

The police got to the body before anyone else could. Of course, the mafia was upset. We don't need Fundy. I don't like Fundy. He reminds me of a watered down Schlatt. I digress.

I haven't been to school. Even though I have been receiving warnings that if I don't start attending I will get kicked out. The same thing goes for Tommy and Tubbo. They don't care. No one cares anymore. All anyone ACTUALLY cares about is attempting to take down Schlatt.

I only care about Y/N. In a weird way, killing these asshats has made me feel calmer. Like just snapping their necks made me feel some sort of happy comfort.

But that's not what I'm focusing on.

What I'm focusing on is the fact we are invading the Schlatt house today. Once Dream had sent the assignment through our watches, cheers were spread all around headquarters.

I was sitting in my room when it happened. I was shocked, but not surprised. They still think Schlatt is the one killing their men and now that Fundy is dead, going in as soon as possible is the only way they think they'll win this game.

I realized soon after that Dream's message meant that I needed to start getting ready. We already reviewed the plan, and Tubbo, Tommy and I are backups in case something happens to Big Q and Karl.

However, my plan wasn't done. I was still going to try and kill Sam, Ponk and Punz, but whatever I guess.

I quickly turned off the lights and ran out of my room, and I saw Wilbur run past me holding Jack Manifold's wrist in his hand. "Alright Ranboo, let's get a move on we have an ARSEHOLE to take down!" Wilbur exclaimed, continuously running while dragging Jack.

I rolled my eyes playfully and quickly started picking up the pace down the hallway.

I guess even if I'm going rouge on this mission, something about being with these people still excites me, even if I was planning to kill them.

I slid down the railing once I got to the stairs, passing Jack and Wilbur. Once at the bottom I ran towards the library, pulled the leve behind one of the bookshelves and the bookshelf quickly moved it's way behind the wall.

I smiled, and stood inside the plate that'll take me down to the weaponary. Of course, Will and Jack jumped on with me but everyone else was either already getting ready, or just started running towards the library.

The plate descended, leading us to the weaponary. Will and Jack split up to go to their section of the weaponary. I quickly ran to mine to see Tubbo and Tommy already wearing the masks with grenades and guns in their belt.

I quickly strapped on my belt and put my glasses, gloves and mask on. This was about to be some crazy shit going down.

I finished getting ready, and sat in the chair that was in the front of the weaponary. we all had our shit on the side and their was a long row of chairs placed in the front of the room. This was so when everyone was here, we'd sit in our assigned chairs and listen for Dream to give us instructions. I've only been in this room twice. Once for an initiation and another time from when we took down Kacy.

I wonder sometimes what would have happened if Y/N wasn't hiding behind that dumpster. I wonder how much would have changed.

I sat down next to Tubbo once I was down getting ready. I looked to my right to find an empty chair because that's where Purpled would have sat if I hadn't slaughtered him. The rest of the mafia had gotten ready however, we were still waiting on Dream.

"Where's Dream?" Big Q shouted after the silence had finally turned awkward.

"Making out with George?" Jack responded.

The room soon started to burst out into laughter. I was chuckling a bit as well however Tubbo was on the floor at this point. I don't think it was that funny, mostly because whenever you don't see Dream he IS making out with George.

"Very funny guys, how the hell would I be making out with Dream if Dream isn't even here?" George shouted over our laughter.

"So you admit to making out with Dream on a regular basis?" Karl chuckled, leaning over Sapnap.

"Ye-NO!" George corrected.

The mafia started to cackle at the point and even George was smiling because he knows he can't deny the fact that he makes out with Dream.

Eventually though, Dream did show up. His mask was bland, and even than he was still a threatening figure.

As per usual, we all stood up once Dream came in the room. Weird traditions that go unspoken.

"Please be seated" Dream said after examining us.  "So we all know how this is going down. And I'm sure as hell we are pumped for it"

The room started cheering and whooping. I simply snapped my fingers. My speech is muffled anyways because of my mask so I wouldn't be surprised if nothing was even heard from me. Besides, I can barely snap with these gloves on!

"Alright shut the fuck up you beasts" Dream began. "I just wanna say a big thanks to everyone for being so cooperative with this whole process. It's been long, hard, and facing Schlatt will be the biggest challenge we've faced. But we can do it. Alright, let's get in the cars,

and beat his ass."

If I Killed Someone for You - |Ranboo x Reader.|Where stories live. Discover now