Chapter Thirty-One

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"And in those moments, I wanted to kill you. I wanted to wrap my hands around your throat and steal the breath you used to hurt me. I wanted to kill someone I loved. Can it truly be love?" - Unknown



It was not often that Creed put his arms around another living being on purpose and appreciated the warmth their another body writhing against his own. He did not crave physical touch the way most did, unless he was compelled under the urgency to fuck, kill or abuse those around him.

But other than those mostly feral, instinctual urges, the craving for intimacy never interested him and he kept his distance as much as he could from his demons. Their terror of him added another expanse of distance between the King and his subjects and so the Devil never had the opportunity to experience anything as intimate as he was now.

He held onto Tobias tightly as he sent them soaring, massive, powerful wings beating hard as the wind rushed against their forms. His hands were clutching warm, soft flesh, hooked beneath Tobias' pale thighs and around his slim waist. The boy was clinging to him, arms wrapped tightly around Creed's shoulders, blunt fingernails piercing his skin where he grappled for purchase.

Creed could hear his thundering heartbeat, and felt himself straining to hear more of the rapid, rhythmic thumping, finding that he appreciated the sound. Perhaps it was the deliciously potent scent of fear seeping into Tobias' natural smell or the the sound of his whimpers harmoniously drifting into his ear, complimenting the sound of the heartbeat... but Creed gripped the boy tighter, strangely finding he favored this kind of intimacy.

He slowed his ascent, stalling in the air, thousands of feet off the ground, staring out over the vast expanse of the underworld. Beyond the magnificent castle with its many turrets and buildings, the surrounding homes of his demons scattered haphazardly across the land far into the distance.

The disorderly structures rose like daggers out of the ground, built up out of bed rock and topped with rusting, mental roofs melded into obscure shapes by hell's fire. The atmosphere held a burnt orange mist that doused the realm in a dark, warm filter. 

Creed observed his demons, bustling about like ants below, weaving through the tight mazes of buildings, scuttling across the rocky ground. Occasionally a flying creature passed below them; a gargoyle flying in stuttering bursts, a group of archdemons streamlining seamlessly over rooftops like a flock of ravens.

In the distance, the houses became sparse, the terrain changing as mountains and coves burst from the ground, spurting lava falls and magma pools around their base. The air was wavy with heat, making the mountains dance like a mirage, the lava swirling into dancing ribbons of yellows, oranges and reds. 

The beasts' lairs. Creed decided that he would take Tobias there and let him see the creatures and their homes. He was, afterall, Creed's underworld King and therefore it was only right he saw all that was his. All of the underworld was under his rule, including the dark, dangerous mountain rage and the realm beyond.


The devil blinked as his attention was drawn away, lowering his head to meet Tobias' wide, indigo coloured eyes. They glistened with tears, gathering along his water line, clumping over dark lashes.

The boy's pink, plump bottom lip trembled violently, and Creed narrowed his void, black eyes, daring Tobias to allow the salty droplets gathering in his eyes to spill down his cheeks. The devil was tense all of a sudden, confronted by the prospect of crying, feeling the disdain and the frustration fester inside him.

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