Easter Eggs

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I don't own Girl Meets World!!!

Val's favorite part of Spring was dying Easter eggs with her family. She and Topanga bought dozens of eggs in preparation, Cory and Auggie set up the decoration stations, and Riley was on her phone looking up different designs for them to try.

"Ooh!" Riley held up her phone "This one looks cool!"

Val looked over from where she and Topanga were getting the eggs ready at the stove. It was a picture of a purple egg with a difficult looking geometric design. It was unlikely anyone in the family could actually pull it off but it would be a fun challenge.

"That's a good one. Add it to the challenge pile." Val agreed.

Riley hopped over to the computer and printed out the picture. She took the paper back to the coffee table where there were three stacks of photos labeled "Simple," "Challenge," and "Medium." Carefully she put the most recent picture in the "Challenge" pile.

"When's Maya getting here?" Cory asked, checking his watch "We said we were going to start at four."

Maya threw open the door "'Sup losers!"

"Right on time at..." Val looked at the time "4:30. Just like we planned."

"You haven't started yet?" Maya whined "Why'd I even show up late if you're not going to be done when I get here?"

"We told you four because we knew you'd be late." Topanga grinned "We could even push it back to five if we had to."

Maya smushed her face in a pillow and grumbled making the whole family laugh.

Riley brushed the blonde hair back over her friends shoulders and pushed her up "Come on, Maya! The sky is blue, the birds are singing, and decorating eggs is a tradition."

"And you're the best of all of us." Val reminded her "You've got more artistic skill than most people."

"It's just painting eggs." Maya shrugged "As long as you make it colorful it'll look good."

"Uh, should I pull the pictures from last year?" Cory raised his eyebrows.

"NO!" Val, Topanga, and Auggie chorused.

Maya raised her hands in surrender "I stand corrected."

"No one needs a reminder of those eggs." Topanga insisted.

"I thought I burned all the evidence." Val agreed.

"All right! All right!" Cory threw his hands in the air "You've made your point."

"Why don't you help me find designs?" Riley suggested, holding out her phone to Maya.

"The decorating stations are done!" Auggie announced, placing the last cup of paint brushes on the table.

"Eggs only have about five more minutes," Val said, checking the pot "then we can get started."

Auggie skipped over to stand at Val's elbow, trying to peak at the eggs and babble on about how he wanted to paint his eggs. Before long, the eggs were ready and Topanga and Val brought them over to the table. Everyone took their seats and the decoration competition began!


Everyone painted three eggs each, a simple egg, a medium egg, and a challeng egg. The simple egg with the prettiest color won that section. The medium egg with the most creative decorations won the next. And the most intricate challenge egg won the last.

Topanga was painting her first simple egg sky blue with gold swirls stenciled in a pattern. Her second egg was going to be green with peace signs and recycling arrows. The challenge egg was going to be yellow with grass stenciled around the bottom and birds around the top.

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