Britain's house be like- (part 2)

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Photo from Wikipedia (yes apparently he has an article about him)

also i forgot the Caribbean Islands and other British possessions, sorry

"America, put down the oil," Canada demanded. 

"Oh really, and why should I?" America yelled.

"sorry," Canada whispered.

"America, be nice," Britain chided.

"no" said America.

"Why you little- I oughta-" he stopped when he saw what America was doing. "Don't you do it, Ame," Britain cautiously said. 

America, now holding a huge box labeled "British Tea". "AhAHAHAAAHhahhahAHAhahA i'M BouGhT tA cHucK dis TEA OVERDABOARD DAD," he cackled.

"No, wait!" Britain cried, but it was too late. America hurled it through the window, where it sank into the river, never to be seen again.

"AMERICA YOU FOOL!!!!!!" Britain screamed. "NOW WE ALL GONNA DIE!"

"AHAHAHA- wait whut" America said.

"THAT HAD CANADA'S MAPLE SYRUP IN IT YOU FOOL! WE ARE ALL DEAD! EVERY MAN FOR THEMSELVES!!!!!!!" Britain hurled himself out the window after the "Tea". America blinked and slowly turned to look at Canada, as all the other British people did.

Canada was twitching. He pulled about an M-69420 and began shooting everywhere. Sure, it was Nerf bullets, but it was also an angry Canadian, so whenever someone got hit they were out cold. America hid behind the counter. "Calm down bro, I'll buy you another!"

"No America, I'm perfectly calm." Canada loomed over the U.S. Second largest country on Earth, hello? "dOn'T YOU see how cALM I aM?" He raised his gun. "And Ame, guess what?"

"What?" America said blindly.

Canada grinned like a madman. "I'm not SORRY ANYMORE!"


America woke up with a start. His sheets were wet with sweat, what were you thinking? and he was shaking. He looked around. "Phew, it was just a dream." He sighed and rolled over.

"Are you sure about that?" asked Canada next to his bed.


yeah thats the end, if you want a part 3 you can say but then again- insert sounds of a very bad writer getting strangled offscreen

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