3. Call me

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You stare at the piece of paper for a few seconds, extremely surprised and confused at the same time. "Hold up. Mason Mount just gave me his number. Mason Mount." You're convinced that this all has to be some messed up dream, and that you haven't actually woken up for the day and that your brain is just teasing you.

You wouldn't be surprised if you open your eyes to be in your bed, being woken up by your annoying alarm and going back to being an apprentice.

After a long ten minutes of contemplating whether this is real or not, you eventually come to the conclusion that this is real after all, and that this is just your lucky day.

You pull out your phone and start typing the number in. "Hmm maybe I'll leave it a few hours before texting him, I don't want to seem thirsty." You think to yourself.

"Actually, I'll just go to the hotel and unpack my stuff properly." In game seasons, the England team and head workers all stay in the same huge hotel, each having separate rooms, except for a few team members who choose to stay together for company.

You leave your room, locking the door and making sure you take the piece of paper with Mason's number with you.


The hotel is by far the best you've ever stayed in, and you have the highest quality of rooms. It's only a few minutes away from the stadium, so it's ideal for the football team.

The bedroom itself is fit for a queen, a huge glass window spreading across the wall, opposite the bed.

While admiring the view of the city below, you hear a notification on your phone. You walk over to it, and see a message from Mason.

It read: "Call me."

"Well, it would be rude not to." You think to yourself, looking in the mirror and fixing your hair.

You FaceTime the number, and instead of seeing Mason, you see Jude, with his face strangely close to the camera.

"Oh hi jude?" You ask, clearly confused.

Instead of replying, he puts his finger up to his lips, gesturing for you to be quiet. He then places the phone flat down on the table before walking away.

You stare at the small mirroring of your face in the top corner, confused to what's happening, and to why Jude is on Mason's phone. Just as you're about to hang up, you hear footsteps walk into the same room Jude's in, and a familiar voice.

"You alright bro?" Mason's voice echoes through to your side of the call, catching your attention. You stay quiet, closely listening to what's happening. Jude must've called for a reason, right?

"So, what happening with you and y/n today?" Jude asks Mason. "It looked pretty heated when I walked in."

"She was just giving me a massage, my back was hurting." Mason responds.

"Just a massage?" Jude asks, implying he knows something bigger was happening. "Yeah, just a massage." Mason replies.

There's a silence for what feels like minutes, before you hear Mason splutter "Okay fine, it did feel like something was happening, but who knows, maybe she was just doing her job.

"I knew it!" Jude says. "So, do you like her?"

"I mean- I guess? It's way too early to tell. She is very pretty though." He replies.

Your heart skips a beat as you hear them words and although in reality, you're sitting starting at a black screen; it feels like you're in the room with them.

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