The Battle Resumes

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Things were looking bad for the heroes already when they were dealing with Spider-Man's escaped villains. but with the arrival of the others it just made things go from bad to worse.

Spider-Man's villains resumed their fight with the heroes while the other villains went about fighting whoever they wanted.

Moonstone or Karla Sofen, had began an aerial battle with Carol, each woman was firing off blast after blast trying to knock the other out of the sky. Carol was enraged and was firing off her photon blasts rapidly and missing Karla with every shot.

The fight appeared to be going nowhere as neither woman was able to hit the other, but Carols rage blinded her to any incoming attacks, such as the one from HYDRA.

They fired off some sort of high powered canon which directly hit Carol while she was midair, but this proved to be ineffective as there was no physical damage. Karla however took the opportunity of Carols distraction as well as the smoke screen created from the blast to attack Carol directly.

Karla flew straight at Carol at high speed and emerged from the smoke with her fist reeled back and swirling with her power, she landed a strong punch to Carols face which knocked her back a bit, but Karla continued her assault with repeated hit after hit to Carol before she flew above her and blasted her straight down to the ground.

Carol landed hard on the ground and coughed as the smoke cleared the area, she slowly stood back up and looked to the sky above to see Karla smirking down at her. Carols eyes filled with rage at seeing her smug face look down upon her and she raced off into the sky again for round two.

Logan had almost went feral when he saw Sabertooth emerge with Magneto, but when the fighting started the two were at each other's throats.

Logan was swinging his claws wildly trying to take down the sadistic mutant, while Sabertooth dodged Logan's claws he tried to counter Logan and hit him back.

Their fight was short-lived however as Logan found himself frozen in place, his entire body wasn't able to move no matter how hard he tried. It was then that Magneto floated down before him with a look of superiority on his face and an evil smirk appearing, that he brought Logan up into the sky before launching him back to the ground.

Logan impacted hard on the ground, the Adamantium covering his skeleton only seemed to drop him faster as he crashed through a building before hitting the ground.

Clint Barton, AKA Hawkeye had freed himself from the lasso that bound his legs and fled from the newly arrived Sinister Syndicate consisting of some of Spider-Man's female villains.

He dodged the rapid slashes that Ana Kravenoff threw at him, no matter what he did the woman was relentless in her attacks and when he tried to fight back by firing off his arrows she was able to dodge them. Years of training and following her instincts allowed her to react far more quickly than the average person, embracing the hunters lifestyle.

He decided that fighting the rouge woman was pointless and tried to put some distance between himself and the rest of them. He used one of his arrows to create a smoke screen in which to run and hide but it was effortless as PandaMania decided to pick up large pieces of rubble and hurl them towards the fleeing Hawkeye.

Clint was able to see the large boulders coming and was able to avoid being directly hit by them but he was pushed away from fully fleeing from them and ducked behind cover to avoid any more attacks.

He struggled to catch his breathe though as a small clanking sound could be heard beside him and looking down he saw what looked like an Easter egg rolling around on the ground next to him. In the next moment the egg exploded sending Barton flying back and out of the cover he was hiding behind.

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